The Trials of a Busy Mom

We finished the Book

In trying to motivate my kids to finish the Book of Mormon (we’ve done quite well at reading so far in the summer, by the way), I told them that when we finished, we would take them to a Book of Mormon themed restaraunt. They at first didn’t believe that there was a Book of Mormon restarant out there (maybe someone should work on that. There could be Nephi burgers, or Moroni Shakes, maybe Abinidi fries or something like that), but when I told them that the people in the Book of Mormon were actually the early American people, like the Incas and the Mayan indians, they got excited about it.

They were so excited to finish and go this week, that we read 4 chapters yesterday! So, last night (kids’ night–how convenient!) we went to the Mayan for dinner, and everyone had a great time. Everyone except Cole, that is, who is still at scout camp. Megan felt a little bad about going without him, but I assured her that he’s probably having the time of his life right now and hopefully he won’t mind so much that we had a little fun without him.

We’ve also celebrated finishing the Book of Mormon by having a Book of Mormon party and making our own movies of our favorite stories. This time I told them to write the date they finished in the back of their books, but they haven’t yet discovered the joy of marking their scriptures and didn’t want to “ruin” their books, so they didn’t do that.

This morning, when I said it was time to read scriptures, they were a little confused at why we would start reading it again, but they didn’t complain about it. What do you do to make your scripture study interesting?


  1. Janice H. Johnson

    Brilliant! Now, I need to start reading the Book of Mormon with my kids so I can take them to the Mayan.

  2. sharm

    Check these sites out that my sister-in-law just sent me!

  3. Mel

    Wow. You are impressive. The sheer PATIENCE it takes to sit through all the reading … Wow.

  4. Superpaige

    Oh, you guys are too kind.

  5. Grandma Coleman

    Around here I have noticed some of the missionaries use different colored pencils, and everything about faith is underlined one color, repentance is another color, baptism another color, holy ghost another color, and enduring to the end another color. You can choose your topics if you like, but these were based on the lessons they teach. Seems like they even used a colored dot on the references below, too.

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