The Trials of a Busy Mom

My favorite season

I absolutely love Spring. Love, Love, Love it! All the trees look like they are dressing up for the season, the daffodils and then the tulips push their way up even when it seem illogical for any flowers to start blooming.

It’s cold, then warm, then cold again, and so when that perfectly beautiful day comes along that is not too hot and not too cold, you appreciate it all that much more. People come out of their homes and end the hibernation that has been going on for the past 5 or 6 months. We begin to see our neighbors once again as they begin to examine their yards and the work that must be done. It’s kind of like a mini reunion –“Hi! Don’t you look good! Where’ve you been?” they say. “Oh, you know…..inside.” we answer.

The trees are all decked out in their fancy spring finery. They explode in color and the gorgeousness is almost overwhelming. After a long winter of bare trees, it is such a joy to look out the window and see them overflowing with blossoms. I feel like breaking into a rousing chorus of “Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!”
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Yes, there’s that annoying high pollen count, but we don’t want to talk about that right now.

In spring I start to feel like anything is possible. Even exercise. I seriously have the urge to get outside and get moving. Maybe go out walking or do some strenuous gardening. Speaking of gardening, I love to work in my garden and flowers in the spring. I love to get out and pull the weeds, plant summer bulbs, even plant vegetables. I planted lettuce this week, and I was thrilled to see a couple of repeat plants from last year. It looks like lettuce and hollyhocks so far, but there may be some other volunteers there as well. It’s too early to plant tomatoes or the cabbage that Jenna brought home from school, but when it’s dry again this weekend I plan to get the peas planted, and maybe head to the local garden store and buy some other tender plants.

So, even though today it’s snowing, I know the snow won’t last long. It will give way to green grass and happy flowering trees. I will breathe in the scent of fresh, new life. I will relish in the feelings of newness and the smells of blooms. I will enjoy my favorite season and be thankful for the beauty that is spring!


  1. jen

    Snowing today? That’s Utah.

  2. Amber's Crazy Bloggin' Canuck

    And those pictures are exactly why I need a better camera. GORGEOUS!

    You’re asking the wrong person re: the time to plant pumpkins. Go to Jamie’s blog and ask him by leaving a comment. Seriously. He LIVES for comments.

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