The Trials of a Busy Mom


Saturday is our 20 year High School Reunion. I have mixed feelings. I’m excited to go and see people that I haven’t seen for a long, long time. But really, most of the people that I want to see, I see already. I’ve been blessed with great friends that were my friends all through high school, and I try to keep in touch with most of them. There are others that I haven’t see in a long time, and I’m looking forward to seeing them and finding out what they’ve been up to.

But on the other hand, I’m a little nervous. What if everyone else is really doing things with their lives. What if they are all some high powered attorneys or wonderful artists or have 8 children, homeschool, grow their own organic foods and can all their own fruit and vegetables? Actually, those things don’t even bother me, but really–what do they all look like? I mean, have they put on 10 pounds with each child, too? Or are they annoyingly skinny with great skin and fabulous hair and wonderful white teeth? I just know that some of them will be. I mean, they can’t all be dumpy plump stay-at-home moms like me, although I’d like it if they were.

In expressing my concerns with Melinda, she said the sweetest thing to me. She said, “You are just one of those people who get better every year.” (Ok, I’m paraphrasing, so Mel, if that’s not exactly what you said, go ahead and correct me). That’s probably the sweetest thing anyone has said to me in a month (closely followed by John coming up and giving me a hug and saying, “Mom, you’re my best friend.”) I’m not really sure what she meant by that, but it really was a nice thing to say. I need to just get over my insecurities, accept the fact that I am who I am, and just go and enjoy myself (never thinking about the $150 bucks we had to pay so that my husband–who insisted he go, too–and I can go to the reunion).

Then there’s the question of what to wear? Should I wear, like Sunday clothes? A casual skirt? Pants? Capris? I’ll have to find something that I’m comfortable in, so I won’t be self conscious the whole night thinking, “Why did I wear this _______, it accents my fat ________.” So I guess I try some outfits on tonight and see what I can find. I did get a really cute skirt from Coldwater creek and a sweater to go with it, but the sweater is really bright orange. I know. But it’s a pretty orange, if you can imagine. And when I wore it to church as an outfit, a sweet lady told me I looked “stunning.” Wow–stunning. Was that stunning because I looked really great, or stunning because it’s bright orange. Hmmmm. Not sure. Anyway, I’ll figure something out, find something to wear, and go take lots of pictures and have a great time. And maybe I’ll see you there!


  1. christina

    A good friend of mine from high school emailed me the details of my 20 year reunion. He said most of the guys are bald and a little chubby and that many of the men bragged about how many children they and their wives had. He said he felt sorry for some of these women who were working on their 8th or 9th kid. Not too exciting of a report.
    People change and so do times, but you my dear don’t. You are the same sweet girl that people will recognize from Mrs. Grant’s kindergarten class. You shine and have accomplished so much. Be proud of who you are, wear your extra “mom pounds” with honor. You’ve given birth to 5 wonderful, beautiful children. Have pride in yourself and wear orange, you deserve to stand out.

  2. Janice from Book Club

    I say the the Coldwater Creek outfit that makes you look stunning.

  3. Amber

    I never hit my 10-year reunion and now I’m coming up on my 20-year in a few years. If I were you, I’d wear dressy-casual and go lookin’ like a million bucks!

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