The Trials of a Busy Mom

Sleeping in

Since today is General Conference and we don’t have to go to church, it’s sleeping in day around here. My sleeping in goes something like this:

5:30-Ryan gets up to get some cough medicine. Why he had to tell that, I’m not sure. I’m not sure if he was coughing or just couldn’t sleep. I’ll ask him when he gets up. At this time, since I’ve been woken up, I realize I have to go to the bathroom, but I don’t want to get up, because then I couldn’t really pretend I was sleeping, so I just ignore it and go back to sleep.
Sometime in here I dreamed the entire production of “Once upon a Mattress.” Having never seen that show, my subconscious made the whole thing up, but still it was nice to see a play, even if it was in my sleep.
7:02-Cole comes in and whispers “Mom,” (do they think it won’t wake you up quite as much if they whisper in your ear progressively louder until you answer?) “Can I play on your computer?” Not wanting to think of reasons why not, I say yes.
7:29-John comes in and climbs in our bed, wedging himself between us so he can get a handhold of my hair. Since I REALLY have to go to the bathroom by now, I get up and do that.
7:31-When I come out of the bathroom, John jumps up out of bed and is very happy that I’ll get him breakfast now.
7:32-We mosey downstairs and get John some breakfast–Captain Crunch is the cereal of the day.
7:34-I drag myself back upstairs and into bed. It’s sleep in day, for heaven’s sake.
7:45-John is back, and wants a drink of milk, he says. He climbs back into our bed and says he’s cold. He’s probably cold because his pajama bottoms are wet, from a diaper that needs to be changed. I ask John to go and get me a diaper, which he does, an then I change him. I take off his pajama bottoms and off he goes to find new pants.
7:50-John comes back with pants and wants me to help him put them on him.
8:10-John comes back and asks if he can play with Natalie’s new Bratts pony car. I tell him he’ll have to ask Natalie.
8:20-John climbs on me holding the new Bratt’s pony car, which is stil halfway in the box (darn those silly twist ties!) and asks Dad if he can get it out of the box. I tell him that dad is still sleeping and I can do it. So, I undo all those twist ties and get the silly thing out of the box.
8:30-I must have fallen asleep again sometime in here, and I dream that I’m driving to meet my parents at some reservoir around Heber. But my brakes are bad and I’m having a hard time driving. I finally call them to ask where exactly we are supposed to meet, because I’m there at the lake and dont’ see them. Weird dream.
8:55–Jenna comes and asks me if she can have a package of care bear fruit snacks since in her words “Nobody has even made me any breakfast!”. Ugh. I guess it’s time to get up and make the pancakes and eggs that I promised them.

And I’m well rested because, as anyone can see, I slept in.


  1. Administrator

    To tell my side of the story, Paige took the girls (and a few spare friends) horseback riding for Natalie’s birthday ‘party’ (although Paige told her she wasn’t having a party this year).

    When she came home, she sat in my office chair, and when I did later that night, I started getting allergy symptoms. I didn’t go to bed until quite late (as usual).

    I stupidly suffered with the allergy symptoms until I couldn’t anymore, at 5:30 or so.

    After taking the cough medicine, I couldn’t get back to sleep until about 6:30.

    So as you can see, I also ‘slept in’.



  2. Janice from Book Club

    This is one of the most hilarious blog entries I have read in a long time. Keep em coming Paige! Janice

  3. Robin

    Paige….you are such a good and patient mom!!!

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