The Trials of a Busy Mom

OCD Freezer

My Freezer looks like it has OCD. Or I do. Or someone just loves to organize their freezer. I should have taken a picture of it before the big clean out, but why would I have a picture like that around–yuck!

We did the freezer clean out and defrost yesterday (Sunday, I know!) because our friend came up to us in church and said, “are you going to be home tomorow around 4 or 4:30?” When we said yes, he said he would be bringing our side of beef over, and just wanted to make sure we’d be home. Well, sure I can be home, but will I have any place to put said side of beef? Not likely. Actually we’re splitting the side of beef with some friends (that makes us “beef brothers” as Ryan puts it), so I won’t have to fit the whole thing in the freezer, but 1/2 a side of beef will still take up a large amount of space, right? So, we had to empty everything out into coolers (two of which I had to borrow from the neighbor), then turn off the freezer and thaw out of the inch of ice that had crept in there. I did the unloading, and Ryan did the thawing, then I loaded back up again. I also threw a bunch of stuff away, brought a lot into the inside fridge and freezer, and generally organized. It’s probably something that should be done once a year, if you are Martha Stewartish. For me, I only do it when it’s an absolute neccessity. It looked like this all nice and organized freezer2
And after the meat arrived, it looked like this: meat more meat
So we are pleased that everything fits. Maybe I can take some of the things I stuffed into the fridge back into the freezer, now. And if you need hamburger, I’m the one to call.


  1. Mel

    Wowee Wow Wow. That is some beautiful freezer space. “Clean Out the Deep-Freeze” was on my September list, but now it is October. Maybe you’ve motivated me!

    PS How much does a side o’ beef cost per pound?

  2. Kimberly

    Oh, Paige. I must be seriously OCD as well because my hubby won’t go tot he freezer without asking me which quadrant the stuff is in that he needs. Cold air escapes if you keep that door open too long so you really need to know where stuff is! It is cost effective to be OCD about your freezer!

    And next time, I will be a beef brother with you too!

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