The Trials of a Busy Mom

Beware the Doldrums

Pronunciation: \?d?l-dr?mz, ?däl-, ?do?l-\
Function: noun plural
Etymology: probably akin to Old English dol foolish
Date: 1811

1 : a spell of listlessness or despondency
2 often capitalized : a part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms, squalls, and light shifting winds
3 : a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump

I think that just about covers it. Listlessness, inactivity, slump.

I am not a hot weather creature. I do not thrive in hot weather. I would never want to live in Arizona.

I don’t really want to go anywhere or do anything. I’m happy to sit in my air conditioned house and read a book. How about you? How do you cope with the summer doldrums?


  1. Janice Johnson

    Bring on the fall. The summer heat about kills me off.

  2. Robin

    We come visit you!!! :o)

  3. Robin


  4. Paige

    I cope by avoidance. And by avoidance I mean I moved to a different continent. True story.

    That doesn’t help you, does it?

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