The Trials of a Busy Mom

A little bit about the birds

You know I love birds, right? I’ve had some type of birds off and on throughout my life, and yes, Tina, there was that unfortunate incident with a parakeet when I was younger, but I honestly believed that he would be cold at night and therefore put him by the heat vent that night. But let’s not drag up old sad stories about unintentional pet torture. In college I had some finches that were repeatedly threatened by Larry and Robin (“let’s make some “finch fries, shall we?”) but they survived and were fun to have around. Now we have cockatiels. We’ve actually had Sundance longer than we’ve had our oldest child, if you can believe that. He’s been through a lot at our house, sundancephotographed numerous times, sundance, and even been the subject of a few art projects.picture
picture of sundance We also have ZuZu, who we’ve had for about 8 years, if my math is correct. zuzu

This Summer we got our third bird, a baby we named Popcorn. Since he’s young and energetic, he’s quite a climber.

He discovered that it’s really fun to hop over to the curtains and sit there and look out the window. It’s kind of fun. He sings, looks outside, and is quite pleasant. Well, soon he taught the other birds to come and sit on the curtain. So, the three of them now like to sit on the curtain and look out the window. I don’t mind the birds being on the curtain, what I do mind is the three of them sittin on the curtain (their new favorite place to be) all day and pooping.

birds on the curtain

The poop gets on the window sill, on the curtain, and mostly on the floor. Ick. One bird pooping on the floor is a little mess, but three of them? It turns into a big mess. More mess than I want to deal with some days. So, I let it get worse until I’m grossed out and can’t stand to look at my floor, and I lock the poor birdies in their cage while I clean the floor, then feel sorry for them and let them out, so they can poop all over my window sill and floor yet again.

poop on the floor

What I need around here is some kind of bird potty training. Any ideas?


  1. Amber

    I’ve got a question for you: you don’t perhap like BIRDS, do you? 🙂

  2. Jenn

    I love the pic of them all sitting on the curtain rod, so adorable. We have had cockatiels and in the past and a yellow one named Kupa that looks almost identical to Sundance.

    Love it!

  3. Kimberly

    Just another support for my argument on WHY NOT TO HAVE PETS!!!! Thank. At least with kids they are eventually potty trained–pets, not so much! I am not saying it is wrong to have pets, just wrong in my household!

  4. Sharm

    Where’s Linus??

  5. Superpaige

    Linus went to live at Laura Harper’s house a few years back. He was getting picked on by the other birds, so when she said she would like a bird, I gave him to her. He’s doing fine and is happy. He had a little canary friend who he liked playing with, but I think the canary flew away and didn’t come back, because last time I was there, Linus was by himself again. Still friendly and cute as pie.

  6. Thoroughly Mormon Millie

    Bird poop – ick indeed. My aunt was/is big into birds, and she had her bird trained to go poop whenever she held him over his little stand thing (it was like a platform with a big branch thing sticking up in the air). She’d say “Go potty,” and the bird would poo on command. I wasn’t that impressed with him though – he kept trying to bite me.

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