The Trials of a Busy Mom

Personal Progress–now the whole family can get involved.

Can I tell you how much I love the new Personal Progress program for the Young Women?

When they changed to the new program with the new books and the cute ribbons and bookmarks, it really helped to motivate Megan. She has been working hard on her requirements and her value projects in the last 3 or 4 months, and I love it! For her faith project she’s helping with the garden. That means that when I ask her to go out and weed for 1/2 an hour (as I do on most weekdays in the summer) she does it. She helped plant and even helped make some new boxes this spring. And when it’s time to pick, hopefully she’ll help with that, too.

Soon Natalie, my middle daughter, will also be 12 and she can start working on her PP program, too.

I also started my own personal progress book on Sunday. With the new program, moms can get their awards along with their daughters. So I started working on mine. The nice thing is that as moms, we are already doing a lot of these smaller requirements. Plan and cook meals for your family for two weeks? Check. Memorize two hymns and then lead the music in your class or at a Family Home Evening? Well, it just so happens that I lead the music in Relief Society on Sunday, and I have more than two hymns memorized. Check. Be in a play or musical? Check. Pay tithing for three months? Check. Megan was a little irritated with me that I was checking things off so quickly, but I will actually have to work on a lot of these things. I’ll let you know how I do, and how I progress.

Last week, she said, “I need a 10 hour organizing project.”
“Well,” I said, trying not to sound too eager, “you could clean and organize the pantry.” I practically held my breath with anticipation. The pantry is a DISASTER! There’s spilled cereal, jam packed shelves, stuff everywhere, and I really don’t want to spend my own 10 hours on something like that.
“Ok!” she said, and went to work.
This child really likes to organize things. And she’s a hard worker, too. It took her all week to do, and there was a lot of stuff on the counter as she was doing it, but she got it done. Besides, the stuff on the counter wasn’t that bad since Ryan was out of town and I wasn’t really cooking all that much in the way of dinners, so I could stand the extra chaos.

It started out something like this. I can’t believe I’m showing the horrible before pictures. You must all think I’m SUCH a total slob and a horrible housekeeper.

I won’t show you all the pictures she took, but you get the general idea. Yes, we’re slobs. All of us.

And lots of people in this house don’t know how to put things away.

BUT, the mess has been averted. Now it’s all nice and organized, and we have a large garbage bag of expired, moth filled, or otherwise icky food that we will not be eating to give to our friend’s chickens. That will certainly brighten up their day, especially the bug part.

After 11 1/2 hours of Megan’s hard work (thankfully not MY hard work) it looks more like this.

and this

done by this kid.

Thank you, Personal Progress!!!


  1. Janice Johnson

    I have been out of Young Woman’s so long, I had no idea it had changed much. At 18, I got my Personal Progress award (the big one, whatever it was called). The pantry looks great.

  2. Robin

    Wow! That is awesome! I think you should send that blog to the New Era. Megan is so cool…

  3. Mom

    Tell Megan what a good job she did. And to do it willingly is really super!!! Its also wonderful that she is doing her weeding assignment without complaining. Way to go Megan!!

  4. Kimberly

    You are WONDERFUL!! My daughter just moved into YW and is always saying she is bored. Maybe I can get some of my jobs done around here in the name of Personal Progress. Thanks for the suggestions–and maybe I just might have to get my award again too!

  5. Lisa Adams

    That is a great project! I wonder if Brooke’s done that one yet – my pantry needs the same thing done to it.

  6. Paige

    Wow. That is seriously impressive. Well done, Megan!
    I’m like her – really organized. I love doing things like this.

  7. Amy

    Wow, great job Megan!! And hooray for Personal Progress!

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