Many thanks to Melinda for pointing this out to me. It brought back such fond memories of Robin and I creating tampon mice for our small dorm-like apartment Christmas tree. She even sent me some of those mice for Christmas while I was on my mission in Germany. Now, that’s a true friend for you.
I also remember the good old roommate tutorial for the roommate who had never used tampons and needed a little nudging to discover the joys of going without those big pads. And then there was the roommate who had a vaginal cyst and was convinced that it had come out with her tampon.
I wish I could somehow link to the “Red Dwarf” episode where Kryten throws Kochanski (and I know I’m not spelling those right, so Ryan, go ahead and correct my spelling like you sometimes do — already done) a Happy Period Party. He gives her a gift wrapped tampon and says she’ll probably be pretty busy playing tennis in tight white shorts and pouring blue liquid. Very funny stuff.
— Clip can be found here (only the first part, obviously). — Ryan
Oh, I could go on and on, and it’s not even that time of the month. Thanks, again, Mel, because you are the one who prompted this flood of fond memories.
I’m glad I could help you relive some fond memories. I would like to point out for the record that I did NOT help with the tampon projects in any way, shape or form. Nor did I deliver them to that apartment full of nice unsuspecting boys. I did laugh, though.