Does anyone out there like packing? I guess it’s better than unpacking, and I’m glad it’s just for me and Ryan this time instead of for all 7 of us, but it’s not all that fun. But I’m pretty much packed for both of us. I’ll still have to throw in cosmetics and hair things, but the clothes are all packed. Things I need to remember to include would be sunscreen, a razor, dramamine, chapstick and a hat.

I’ve written a 4 page “manual” ( I feel like I’m on wife Swap or something) including schedules for the kids’ activities for the kind souls who will be staying here watching the kids. It includes things like what they like to eat, when the kindergarten talent show is, where the jr. High band concert is, even how to operate our tv and the automatic lights. I feel like I’m being OCD about this, but I don’t know how easy it will be to get ahold of us in Mexico, and I just want things to go smoothly for them.

I’ll need a vacation after all this prep–oh, yeah, that’s what all this is for–so we can go on vacation!