The Trials of a Busy Mom

We are now a 3 car family

Did I mention that we got a new car? I don’t think I did. In the business of the holidays, I forgot to write about it. We had been wishing and hoping for a new car for about two years. Really. But it seems that wishing and hoping and even trying to win a new car don’t get you very far. Sigh. As the end of the year loomed closer, I told Ryan that we either had to buy a car in October, or wait until Feb, because NO WAY were we going to have another vehicle to register during the months of November or December, since we already have one to register in November and one in December, and that always means unexpected expenses. This year, for example, we bought two windshields and did a bunch of other small repairs to the tune of about $800. So, what do you know… October came and went and we didn’t even shop for a car, let alone buy one. We did get around to shopping for a car in November. The first time we went shopping, Ryan really liked one car, and I really liked a different car. We went home, each with our ideas of what we wanted. Both of those cars were no longer there by the next week.

Later, we planned to meet for a “working lunch date” at the car dealership. But my day didn’t go as planned, so I told Ryan to just go by himself, since he was the one who had to decide. I think this was the turning point. I realized that Ryan and I had differing opinions on what kind of car to buy. This car, really, was not for me. It’s a small commuter car for Ryan to drive to work. My car, sadly, is still the suburban. Even though I would love a zippy small car to tool around in, my primary job is still to drive all the kids places. I still need a carpool car. So I had to pretty much leave the decision to Ryan. He called me later and told me that he had found a car he liked. I met Ryan there that night to check it out. Even though it wasn’t really the car I wanted, or the price I wanted, I was pleased the he had made a decision.

We drove it home that night.


Welcome Kia Optima to our family. I call it the Kia Optimus Prime. (That’s not actually a picture of our car. Ours is a darker grey, but I don’t have a good picture) And Merry Christmas to Ryan, because that was pretty much all he got for Christmas. He even lets me drive it. Sometimes.

It’s a good thing we finally got that car, because does anyone know what this week is? That’s right, it’s trade show week. When Ryan goes off to Vegas for a week (or more) and takes the car. You may recall the year that he took the Suburban and left me with just the two seater truck to haul my 5 children around. Oh, yeah, and it was sub zero weather and lots of snow. Our marriage barely recovered, I tell you. The next year I made him fly, even though he really would rather drive. But there was no way I was going to be without a car for a week in the winter AGAIN. This time, he was able to drive the small new car and I am still able to do my job as a mom WITH my car. Win-Win.

I’m not thrilled to have a car payment, I really wish I had WON us a car, but I am thrilled to have driving options. And so is Cole.


  1. vern

    Quite honestly I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t win yourself a car. It’s more your style than the old-fashioned “What do you mean ‘car payment’?”

  2. Amy

    Wow, congratulations! I’m so glad you weren’t left carless during trade show week. I remember I lent you back the van a couple years ago for that week. I would still have done it for you this year, but it would have meant a whole lot of rearranging of schedules and begging ward members to drive children to school, so I appreciate that you didn’t need the van. I hope Ryan enjoys Optimus Prime!

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