That is the sound I am making because I just dropped my needy John off at preschool. Now I’m starting my little vacuum in the kitchen and going down to treadmill for a mile or so.

Ha Ha, I’m free!


I’m back, and so is John. I didn’t want to sound like I wanted to get rid of my cute child or anything, so let me explain a bit. When you go away on vacation for a week, you know the risks. The kids will either be mad at you for leaving, be mad a Grandma for being the one to tend them, or they’ll have a great time. Luckily, my kids had quite a nice time with all their babysitters (who took them swimming, to Carl’s Junior, to Subway, to a family Christmas party–they were no slackers!), but when Mom and Dad got back, a certain someone named John has not wanted to let Mommy out of his sight. He’s been clingy and needy, but that’s to be expected. We can handle it. But by this week, he was really getting tired of his mommy time and wanting to play with some of his little friends. Friends who we could seldom find during Christmas vacation because they were either out of town, busy or just not home when we were.

When the kids went back to school on Tuesday, John was very excited to go back to his preschool, too. So, over to Mrs. Powell’s we went. I was a bit early, so I waited until 9:00 to see if some other parents came, since I wasn’t 100% sure she was actually starting preschool on Tuesday. When 3 cars were there, we all figured we must be right. We went up to the door, and shock! it was locked. It’s never locked. So, we rang the bell, and no one came. We were beginning to think that preschool did NOT start on Tuesday. Sadly, we pried our children away from the door and tried to explain to them that Mrs. Powell wasn’t home and there would be no preschool that day. (Eventually poor Mrs. Powell came to the door in her bathrobe and said there wasn’t school today. She had looked at the school calendar that said they were starting public school on WEDNESDAY, and therefore hadn’t planned on preschool that day.)

I tried to pacify John by telling him that he could come to yoga with me. When we pulled into the church parking lot, he said, “That’s not the yoga church!” since we had gone to a yoga at a different church before, but this was where it was this time. Unfortunately, no one showed up for yoga, so I left, realizing that I didn’t have my yoga mat in the car with me, anyway, since I wasn’t driving my normal car.

Poor John was so sad. No friends to play with. Only Mommy. AGAIN. I took him with me to Kohls and Target in search of after Christmas discounts and he was pretty good, but not happy.

So, today, there WAS preschool, and he was so excited! I was excited to have just a couple of hours by myself, too. I did do my 2 miles on the treadmill, took a nice shower and got dressed, and that was about all I got done before picking him up, but it was still a nice little break for both of us.