The Trials of a Busy Mom

If you go out in the woods today…

I took the kids to see Open Season last night at the old dollar theater. It was cute, and not nearly as obnoxious as the last movie I took the kids to. But this morning they are all singing this song. No, I don’t take the kids out to movies very often–what of it?

Yesterday Ryan left town for a week. He’ll be enjoying the sunny skies (or at least not snowing and blowing arctic winds) of Las Vegas. No, we’re not moving there, thank goodness. Actually he probably won’t see much of the skies at all, sunny or other, since he’ll be practically living at the convention center for the next week. I hope he has a good time, meets lots of people who generate lots of business for the company, and remembers to bring us back lots of spiffs from the show.

I did manage to get the tree taken down yesterday, although it is actually more of a two person job. I took down most of the Christmas decorations, but not all of them. What I didn’t do is clean the house, so it’s kind of a bare non festive mess. Because, honestly, is it possible to clean the house with 7 kids running through it? Not here, it’s not. I kind of did some damage control and got the front room vacuumed and free of all fake pine needles, but I didn’t get it cleaned. So, now the house is just kind of depressing. Not quite free from all Christmas decor, and still a mess. Ugh.

We also worked on the science project! Hooray! We had four different kinds of paper towels. Onto each, we poured 1 ounce of water, then put quarters on the towel until it broke. Well, we had 40 quarters on that sucker and it was not breaking. We had to find something heavier, so we used tuna cans. One paper towel actually held 10 tuna cans before breaking. We did each brand three times and averaged their scores. Megan has made a nice graph of her results, and she’ll type up a report and we’ll include some pictures, and I think that will be it. Nothing fancy or flowery, just a simple, basic science project.

We don’t have church until 1:00 today. Not my favorite time slot for church, but our ward is so huge now that we need the whole building. We can’t share any classrooms or anything, so we have to be last until they split our ward. What are we going to do until 1:00? Well, I made pancakes (forgot about the fasting thing–oops!), am having the kids all do their practicing (that they have totally slacked on since they haven’t had lessons in two weeks), baths and showers, and I’ll do their hair and maybe paint some fingernails. To try to avoid fighting and screaming, I will let them watch selected amounts of tv or movies. I’m sure it will be a long morning. But the nice thing about church from 1-4 is that when you come home, there’s not much time before the kids go to bed! It will be an adjustment, but we’ll get used to it eventually.

So, there’s our weekend in a nutshell. I hope your weekend is shaping up nicely, and you are enjoying the freezing cold!

1 Comment

  1. Janice from Book Club

    We blessed Britta today and she was an angel until Chris started the blessing and she SCREAMED the whole time. Needless to say, it was a very short blessing.

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