The Trials of a Busy Mom

Analyze this, why don’t you

Ok, so I’m not the greatest cook in the world, I know that. I do tend to make a lot of mac and cheese and hot dogs for lunch (for the picky three year old), and I have been known to feed the family pizza from Costco or chili and cornbread for dinner. I’m not like Mel, who whips up a new and fabulous recipe every night for dinner, or Sharmyn, who makes Chocolate Babka from scratch. But I’m ok with that. I can cook up a decent meal and often make good desserts, which may or may not be from a mix. Nothing too fancy, though. But I had this dream last night that I was making soup to take to a church function, and it wasn’t thickening up. So, I added a cup of concrete mix. (Yes, I do indeed have concrete mix in my pantry right now, but it’s left over from a project at Christmas time, and in no way would I get it confused with something like flour and add it to a soup. And I’m really going to put that in the basement sometime very soon.) It wasn’t by accident, either. I put it in on purpose to make my soup thicker. Then (in my dream, remember–I didn’t really do this, ok?!), I proceeded to take my soup to the church function. It was at my parents’ church, the old one on Butler hill, remember? And I wandered around trying to find the primary room (was it upstairs or downstairs…who can remember these things?). When I found the dinner, everyone had already filled up their plates, (Thank goodness) and I spent the rest of the evening trying to get people NOT to eat the soup that I brought. I didn’t want anyone to get sick (or worse) from eating my concrete soup!

So, dream analyzers–go ahead and analyze this!


  1. Lisa Adams

    That’s a good one. No brilliant thoughts come to mind right off.

  2. Christina

    I made the chocolate babka and loved it, the rest of my family didn’t, so more for me!!! 🙂

  3. Janice from Book Club

    I think it means you should probably get the concrete mix out of your pantry!

  4. Kimberly

    I think you should stop signing up to bring food to church dinners. Let the “love to cook” people do it. Or better yet, have Mel fix it up for you–Hey Mel, can I have some too?

  5. Sharm

    I think it means you are crazy. 🙂 You’ve finally lost it!! Hee hee

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