I knew that Ryan was a pretty laid back guy, but when I called him from the furniture store and asked if he cared if I bought a new couch on Wednesday, his answer to me was, “As long as I don’t have to haul it.”  He didn’t really care what color, what fabric, etc.  I asked if he wanted to go and see them, and he said he could if I wanted him to, but that he trusts me.  So, basically, as long as I don’t ask him to move it for me, I guess he’s ok with whatever I buy!  (I must say that the couch purchase was not totally out of the blue, I had been talking about it and planning it for weeks, and we already knew it was in the budget, so it wasn’t a huge surprise.)

And what to do with the old couch?  I thought my sister could use it, as her couch has recently bitten the dust, but it turns out it wouldn’t work for her.  So, I posted it on freecycle, and had 4 people within the hour who wanted and would be willing to pick up the old couch.  I went with the lady who said she could pick it up that very afternoon.  Then when a friend was over to drop off her kids, I asked if she could help me move the two sectional pieces to the front porch.  Man, that was hard!  I don’t know how they got them in here.  No wonder Ryan didn’t want to move them.  Anyway, we only scratched the floor in one place, and we did manage to get them out onto the porch, so when the lady and her son came to pick them up, we just had to carry them out to the trailer, and she was loaded up in 15 minutes!

So, I was able to vacuum the carpet,  and clean the walls and even moved the piano from one wall to the other—-now that thing is heavy!  So, today the couches should arrive, and I just hope I love them as much in my home as I did in the showroom.