Looking out the window into the backyard, I just saw a cat out there. We don’t have a cat (or a dog, for that matter), and never will, due to someone’s allergies, but there are a couple of cats who I sometimes see in our backyard. They slink along the back fence line (which should probably be called the weed line, as after the curbing it just turns into about 4 feet of big tall weeds before the barbed wire fence) waiting and watching. Then, if they are lucky, they pounce. I’ve seen a few happy ones carrying what looks like a limp mouse, and I rejoice. Come again, little happy cat! Remember the yummy mice, and feel free to come any time you’d like. Tell your friends!
Our neighborhood has two or three cats that roam around. They don’t cause much trouble, and one even lets us (almost) pet it! I would love to have a cat of my own (I’m more of a “cat person” than a “dog person”) but, alas, my husband is highly allergic.
When I realized that marrying him meant no more cats, I was pretty heartbroken!