The Trials of a Busy Mom

Early Risers

This morning Cole had to be at the middle school at 6 am to go to the Region Band Competition.  6:00–ugh!  He had no trouble getting up that early, but I must say it was not good for me.  Once I took him, I should have gotten on the treadmill for an early exercise session, but that didn’t happen.  I climbed back in bed.

John came in shortly after that.  Yes, he’s still an early riser and comes in to our bed almost every morning around 6:30.  He snuggles up and holds my hair.  It’s kind of sweet. But does he have to get up so early?
Last night as I was doing some laundry, Megan was very excited to put all the stuff in and start the washer herself.  She said, “I LOVE doing laundry.  Can I wake up early and do some laundry?”  Knock yourself out, kid.  And when I got up, the dryer was actually going, so I guess she took the wash out and put it in the dryer.  Way to go Megan!

Speaking of Megan, I went to her soccer game last night.  It was about 39 degrees out, with nasty biting wind.  I got my coat, scarf, gloves on, and made Megan put on a long sleeved shirt under her soccer digs, along with gloves and pants (over her shorts).  She took the pants off when the ref was checking to make sure everyone had shin guards and no toe spikes, and never put them back on.  I was too cold and ended up staying in the car most of the game.  It was one of those parks where you pull up right next to the field, so I did actually watch most of the game, but didn’t get out of the car until the wind stopped howling.  What a nice supportive mother I am, right?  I can just hear Megan telling her friend.  “Yeah, my mom’s here, but she won’t get out of the car.  That’s how much of a wimp she is.”  Well, at least I took her there, right?


  1. Janice from Book Club

    Toothsome #1 had soccer practice last night. I too stayed in the car. It was miserably cold.

  2. Emily

    linked my way over here and loved your post. I just had to smile about all of these motherhood experiences–it seems like, as a mother, my life quest is always staying sane and preserving some semblance of order. Sometimes it’s much trickier than it sounds, isn’t it?

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