The Trials of a Busy Mom

Get your Christmas on

It’s time to get our Christmas on! Love everything about the Christmas season. Love to make gingerbread houses, put up lights, listen to Christmas music, and watch “it’s a wonderful life” on tv. And we like to have a good time. Here’s what we are up to in our Christmas celebrations so far…

Friday night I had a wonderful Christmas party with a group of ladies I have been friends with for more than 30 years. Really. I’ve known these girls since gradeschool (most of them). They have been a rock of friendship and fun for my whole life. I know how extremely lucky I am to have such a longlasting group of friends, and I am thankful for them! My dear friend Lisa, who is busy enough getting a missionary ready to leave next week, offered to host our party this year at her house. We went with a ‘favorite things’ theme. Like Oprah, we each brought our favorite things to share with the audience. Only in our group, there were no cars, flat screeen tv’s or other such extravagances, as our price limit was $6.

Who knew that two of us would pick the very same spatula set from Ikea for one of our favorite things?

Now our friends will HAVE to use them, since they got two sets, right?

The food was great, and the conversation was even better. We shared our laughter and stories of kids and work, and our Christmas plans. It was so wonderful to just sit and chat. I finally had to peel myself away when I noticed it was almost 11. It was a wonderful way to start the Christmas season! Thanks, Ladies!

Another great way to start off the season was our Bells on Temple Square Christmas concert. We performed this the weekend before Thanksgiving, and while it may seem early for a Christmas concert, it’s the perfect combination of Christmas and non Christmas music, and just early enough to give us a break between that concert and the big Mormon Tabernacle Choir concert that we participate in next week. It was our first concert with our new director, LeAnna Wilmore, and we were pleased. I think it was a great concert. Just the right length, with well placed songs. Of course, I am a bit biased. I was thrilled that some of my book club came to the concert. It was so nice that they were there!

On Saturday, I dragged the family over to our local high school for a breakfast with Santa. The school officers are doing a bunch of fundraising this month to help a little boy with cancer, and this was one event I could get behind. I mean, pancakes, a visit with Santa, AND the money goes for a good cause? I’m there.

And Santa even let me sit on his lap!

Here at the house, I’m working on getting lights up, pulling out the decorations, and getting the house cleaned. Wish me luck with that last one, because I’d really rather sit and watch my favorite programs on tv, or even go to work and substitute than clean bird poop off the windowsill.

How are you getting into the holiday spirit?

1 Comment

  1. Charisma Streeter

    Love your posts!

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