The Trials of a Busy Mom

Can we please be done?

Stage one– Clean it.
Yesterday I worked like crazy. Mostly on Megan’s room. I removed two bags of trash, one bag for DI, and cleaned and organized her closet. UGH.

Stage two–Buy it.
We needed a new bunk bed for the girls, so we met Ryan at IKEA. It was actually kind of a fun outing. The girls got to go in Smalland (John can’t go until he wears real underpants–those meanies), we had a fun dinner of meatballs, ceasar salad and mac and cheese, and we found a bunk bed (which was actually priced less than that is listed). I also got a new quilt cover bedspread thing for Megan’s queen bed, but when I got it home realized that it won’t work for her bed. Duh.

Stage three-Build it.
When we got our large flat boxes home, we had to haul them into the house (Ugh!),and then proceeded to build the bunk bed. The kids (all THREE of them) were so excited, they were running around getting in the way. We got it put together with a minimal amount of swearing (luckily when Ryan dropped the drill, it didn’t land on anyone).  That may be our only trip to IKEA ever again, at least as far as Ryan’s concerned.  He said that now he won’t be able to think of that store without remembering that if you buy it, you must build it.

Stage four–Wonder what in the world we have gotten ourselves into.
Unfortunately, that shoulder/back injury I had from yoga the other day is back again.  Probably from lifting heavy stuff and carrying it up the stairs.  Or it could be from any number of things I hauled around yesterday.  But it was a painful night’s sleep, and now anytime I move anything (arms, back, shoulders) I feel a short stab of pain.  Oh the joys.  And the hall up there is also kind of a death trap, if you want to know the truth. I’ve got John’s car bed standing up in the hall (he’s decided he doesn’t want to use that bed anymore, he just wants to sleep on the bottom bunk of “Cole’s bed”); plus the crib mattress against another wall. The central vac is of course in the way of anywhere you want to stop, so you could trip over that.  We took apart Natalie’s old twin bed, which was falling apart, and now it’s in pieces up there.  I don’t know what to do with it.  Welding project, anyone?  There’s also a box spring that we don’t need now.  It’s on the porch waiting for someone from freecycle to decide they want it and come and pick it up.  Nothing says ‘white trash’ like a box spring on the porch, now does it?

Stage five–lay on the floor and cry because of all the work that’s left to be done.  (It’s similar to stage four, but it’s kind of the ‘morning after’ stage.  If you couldn’t tell, that’s the stage I’m in now.  I don’t know if I’ll even get to picking out paint for Megan’s room, let alone paint this week.  There’s so much stuff on the floor in both Natalie and Cole’s rooms that it will take me all week just to try to organize that.  Help me Calgon, take me away.  No.  Seriously–take me away.


  1. Sharm

    You can do it! Deep breath, popsicle break, then dive back in!

  2. Janice from Book Club

    A hamburger from Wendy’s always picks me up.

  3. Ryan


    They still make those?

    Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger…

  4. Mich

    I can weld. Do you want me to fix Megan’s bed?

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