The Trials of a Busy Mom

Is this thing on?

Tap, Tap. Testing 1..2…3..

I don’t think there’s anybody out there.

I’m feeling a little lonely thinking that only my mom is reading my blog posts. Is it just July? Is it too hot to read blogs? Is it just too hard to comment? I guess all those things, right?

Or is it me?

I promise I showered this morning, and I brushed my teeth even.


–Well, speaking of teeth, Cole got his wisdom teeth out last week. He’s doing quite well. His pain doesn’t seem that bad, and I haven’t given him but one of the narcotic pills they prescibed for him. I took the camera all set to record his out-of-it ness, but he seriously wasn’t that funny.
–Marie left on Saturday morning. We had a good time with her here, but I always feel so much pressure. Are we having enough fun, is the house clean enough, are the kid well behaved enough, are we nice enough to her, is she bored? The other times we have had people here, they have always had some kind of program or school to go to, and we’ve only had to entertain them during the evenings and weekends. This time she was here ALL the time, and it kind of stressed me out because there wasn’t really a way to hide all our crazy. Hopefully she doesn’t think worse of Americans after her visit here.

But we WERE busy. While she was here, we took her out to The Bingham Canyon Mine, had a big pancake breakfast for Pioneer day, went swimming, went bowling, out to eat, played games and puzzles. We even made jam (she helped). There were also concerts, movies, camping, fishing, 7 peaks, laser tag, 2 plays, parties, (take a breath), she went boating with the youth, horsebackriding (twice) with a friend of Megan’s, another friend made Paella for her, we went to church all three Sundays, saw Temple Square and City Creek, she went to WalMart to get Marshmallows and went to the mall, and we even “adopted” a cat for her.

I won’t speak more of the cat, but let’s just say it’s a sore subject around here.

But when she was leaving, I wanted to get her a cute stuffed cat. I looked in 3 different stores and all I could find was a webkinz that sort of looked like this 3 legged cat that she loved. But to make it authentic, I had to amputate one of it’s legs. Yes, I did. (Like I said, we’re just a little bit crazy)

We also got a little journal and all wrote notes to her, and when she opened the box with the presents, she said, “It’s Fox!” (that’s what they named the cat) and she started to cry just a little bit.

So, now she is gone. We’ve sent her back to France (where she was going to go to Italy with her family), and we hope we will keep in touch.


It’s coming up on August, and there’s less than a month left of our summer before school starts. So, to make the most of it, I am going to finish painting my bathroom.

Did I not mention that I was painting my bathroom?

I painted the whole bathroom “dover grey” which some people think looks blue. Oh well. I was tired of the grapevine pattern we had in there and it was time to move on. I’ve got some more to do in there before I can reveal the before and after pictures, so you will have to be patient. The problem is, there are no air vents in there, and it gets HOT!

So, I hope you are also having a wonderful summer.

And do a girl a favor, would you? Leave a comment so I know SOMEONE out there is reading this.


  1. Elaine Whiting

    Paige, I do read your blog — I just never comment. I like reading about your family and all the fun activities you do. Speaking of activites, if Marie was bored, there is something wrong with her.

  2. MaryAnn Tillotson

    I occasionally read about your craziness and especially enjoy the before and after pictures. I can’t believe you amputated a perfectly innocent kitty, but it was a nice thing to do.

  3. Liz

    How did you choose “Dover Grey” as a color? I painted our bathroom “Statuesque” because I actually liked the movie “Too Wong Foo” and they all keep talking about how Julie Newmar was so statuesque. I mean, it was about the color I was looking for – kind of cream – but the name really clinched it.

  4. Superpaige

    I felt really bad cutting off the poor kitty foot, but we thought it would be a fun remembrance for her. I sewed it up really well so that no stuffed animal fluff is going to come out.

  5. RyanE

    I think the *full* name of the color is:

    Dover Grey (It’s really just blue).

    It’s much bluer than the picture indicates, IMHO.

  6. Robin

    Paige…even at your worst…you all are awesome. I am sure Marie will have some great stories to tell about he fun she had with your family.

  7. jen

    Paige, Paige, Paige:

    I have been missing from cyberspace for a month and must confess I’ve lost track of stuff. But I promise I always read. Always (except this last month).

    And I’m sure any exchange student loves your house. Amputated cat and all.

  8. Mom

    Yes, your mother always reads your blog! And I am always entertained by what you post. I knew you were stressed for those three weeks because who wouldn’t be– having a girl there who didn’t have anywhere else to go and couldn’t speak the language very well. I have to say you guys went all out to keep not only HER entertained, but the whole rest of the family. What a royal expense.
    That’s neat that she really liked the kitty. Can’t wait to hear about the adopted one. That must have gone over well with Ryan.
    You never said what time on Sunday.

  9. RyanE

    It is *not* our cat, adopted or otherwise.

  10. Carolyn

    Paige, as always, you crack me up and can always put a smile on my face. 🙂 Don’t worry….we’re all out there but you know the Olympics are on currently so don’t expect too many comments for awhile….Love ya.

  11. Laurie Picklesimer

    Always read. I’m a big fan, Paige. Just not good about replying

  12. Paige

    Oh, thank you, friends for replying! It does me good to know that there are actually people out there who do read, even during the Olympics! Thank you!

  13. Lisa

    I always read but don’t always comment, sorry. i’ll try to be better. I’m trying to catch up on my blog of our super awesome busy fun July. We are indebted to you for letting us know about this great experience of hosting a French student. We definitely plan to do it again!

  14. Sharmyn

    Hi PAIGE! I hardly ever look at the blogs anymore – but when I do it is so fun! I love you!

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