Thinking of Hurricane Katrina and all the displaced families leaves me feeling very small. What can I do to help? After donating some $ to the red cross and the church humanitarian fund, I still feel like I need to do more.

So, this is motivating me today to purge a few closets. Our ward is having a DI drive this weekend, and while I would normally have a box or two full of stuff to give (or get rid of), I’m feeling extra motivated today to give a little (hopefully a lot) more. It’s easier to give away those cute baby quilts that each have special memories of who gave them to us, and how darling the little ones were when they were that size. But when there are no more little ones, it doesn’t make sense to clog up the closet with those darling blankets. (I am selfishly keeping the personalized ones and a few of the handmade quilts and afgans–I’m not that motivated!)

So far I’ve gotten one bag of garbage and two large trash bags full of useable items –clothes, blankets and such, and I’ve not hit my closet yet. Wish me luck in my purging, and may these things go to people who need them more than we do.