The Trials of a Busy Mom

We really miss you, Ryan

My dear husband has been out of town for almost a week, and we really miss him.  Parenting really is supposed to be a two person job, and I’ll admit that it’s been tough juggling all the schedules without a little help.  Plus, with him not here there’s been no reason to cook real dinners (why bother, the kids only complain), so we’ve been having lovely meals of corn dogs, scrambled eggs and waffles, and leftovers.  Since he didn’t the the one and only cell phone because I needed it to manage the kids and their various activities, I haven’t really been able to talk to him, because he isn’t at his hotel until after I go to bed (so he claims).  So, I’ve missed him.

And the house has missed him.  REALLY missed him.  Since our whole house is wired together and we have all this cool and funky equipment (thanks to Ryan’s job), all our lights, tv, videos, and radio and stuff are all tied up in the home automation system.  The system that is currently off line.  That means I can’t listen to the radio, no myth tv (our version of tivo), no dvds or videos for the kids, etc.  None of the remotes in the house work.  I can’t even turn on the tv manually since that button broke long ago and we can only operate it with a remote.

Yesterday I was exhausted after church (I gave a lesson.  It went fine, by the way) and feeding the kids dinner and I just wanted to lie down for a few minutes of quiet before we went to my sister’s house for a birthday party.  I just wanted to be able to put on a movie or let them watch something recorded, but NO.  Nothing works.  So I just told them to please be quiet (Right–like that works) and went and locked myself in my room for 15 minutes.  Of course the phone rang during my quiet time, and I had to answer it (it could be Ryan, after all), and then had to call my son and tell him the phone was for him.

My computer for some reason also senses that the master of all things electronic is away and it’s time to act up.  I’ve gotten about 50 spams a day asking if I want to increase the size of my….. never mind.  I can’t even access my blog, for heaven’s sake!  (I’m typing this on Ryan’s computer–I hope I don’t break it!)

But on the bright side, nobody’s broken any bones, the house has not flooded or caught on fire, and no trees were damaged in the recent wind storm.

And he comes back home today.


  1. Mom

    He’ll probably say: “And if all that stuff WAS working, would you still have missed me?” But I’m sure you would. Hope he gets everything running quickly! Nice to see you last night.

  2. Loni

    Oh how I understand! DH only leaves a few times a year, but those few times are HARD on me! I am so happy that he is (hopefully) home and that you were still able to see the positive. 🙂

  3. Overwhelmed With Joy!

    I’m so glad that your husband is on his way home (if he’s not there already)!

    I’m no the other side…I’m leaving tomorrow afternoon for a 10 day business trip in Vegas and I’m NOT looking forward to being gone from my 2 1/2 year old son and husband that long. I’m going to miss them like crazy! I know it’s hard on Snuggle Bug and Oronzo when I have to leave on business. I’m hoping the 10 days flys by quickly!

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