The Trials of a Busy Mom

Five things for Friday

Last night my good friend Tess and I went to a Luau cooking class at Thanksgiving point. Her Mother-in-law gave her a class for her and a guest for her birthday. And she invited me to share her birthday present! How cool is that? Anyway, we went to this wonderful class on Hawaiian cooking, and learned many great recipes. I was going to share a recipe with you, but since I can’t find my packet at the moment, that will have to wait until some later time when I’m more organized. Who knows when that will be. But she made pork, pineapple chicken, a wonderful salad with macadamia nuts, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, guava cake, some kind of coconut pie, and the best were the coconut milk rolls. Yum. And at the end of the class, we got to load up a plate and try everything. It was all very delicious!


Did you miss me? I had to go and get John his second breakfast, which would be a piece of toast “with brown stuff on it”. If took me a bit of asking to figure out that “brown stuff” was actually cinnamon and sugar. Now I know. And now you do to.


I have a winner from my Book giveaway, and that would be Overwhelmed with Joy! She’s the founder of this whole pay it forward book exchange, so that’s kind of funny that she would be the winner, isn’t it?


Ryan probably doesn’t feel very appreciated at our house about now. He’s working from home today because “it was WAY too cold at the office, and I was freezing yesterday”. When he told me he was going to work from home, I wasn’t too excited. I told him that would interfere with my scheduled ‘alone time’ while John went to preschool. But I’ll deal with it. Actually it’s worked out nicely, since Jenna told me last night she REALLY wanted to take Popcorn (our bird) to school today, since she was the special person and got to bring something for show and tell. So I loaded up the poor unsuspecting creature in the travel cage and took him to be petted by a class of first graders. He survived. And it was easier to leave John playing happily in his room than to drag him yet again to the girls’ school (I think we’ve been there 3 times this week already). But when Ryan told John it was time to use the potty, John got all huffy and said, “I want you to go to work, Dad.” That’s love for you.


And did I mention that we have a HUGE tv sitting in our family room? I don’t know the exact dimensions, but let’s just say it’s a big bad boy of televisions. A friend of Ryan’s was getting rid of it because it doesn’t work, and he claimed it. It took 3 guys to load it into his truck, and four guys to bring it into the house. It’s about as big as a piano. And it’s not your nice new flat screen, mind you. Ryan thinks he can fix it for “under $100”. Well, I guess that would be nice, if he actually does get it working. If not, then it’s just someone else’s junk that he hauled to our house. You should have seen the kids when they came downstairs and saw that huge monster tv in OUR house. They were so excited! “Is that our tv? Can we keep it? Where did you get that?” We had to tell them to please not touch it, and no, it doesn’t work YET, so don’t get too excited about it. I got a little bit panicked when a visiting little person drew all over the screen with a crayon that someone left on the floor, but Ryan assured me that’s no big deal, as there’s plexiglass over the screen, so it shouldn’t damage it too badly. I haven’t gotten it off yet, but I guess I will worry about that when the tv actually works.


So–there you have it. Five bits of information about my life for Friday. Not too exciting, but I never promised exciting, now did I?


  1. Amy

    Oh no, was that MY little person who drew all over your tv??

  2. Ryan

    Could’ve been… 🙂

    Of course, it was one of our little people that left the crayons on the floor *right in front of* the non-working TV.

    I’m sure it’ll come off fine.


  3. Mom

    I would like to be scheduled in to be treated to that Hawaiian dinner you’re going to plan!

    That’s pretty funny that John didn’t want to be reminded by Ryan to go potty, and knew that if he were at work, he wouldn’t have to deal with him.

  4. Overwhelmed With Joy!

    Thanks so much for choosing my name to win your book! I’ve emailed you my mailing address. 🙂

  5. Joyful Days

    Sounds like a fun, busy & tasty week!! Congrats to OW for winning the book–she will like the recipes. Glad you had fun with it.

    Hope your weekend was lovely!



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