The Trials of a Busy Mom

What? That’s kind of weird, don’t you think?

As I was going to pick up Megan for her Orthodontist’s appointment (can you say ‘Orthodontics=goodbye to your disposable income’?), I saw something odd. There were a couple of policemen parked in the road on the road I wanted to turn left onto (bad sentence structure, I know!). One of them was stopping all the traffic coming from Alpine to let this company cross the road and head into a field: A guy on horseback, a guy leading a dog, a guy holding one of those long poles with a hoop on the end of it, and two guys with lassos. What could they be looking for? A bear? A mountain lion? An escaped prisoner? A werewolf? (just kidding on that last one) I don’t know, but I’m curious.

Later, after the ortho appointment, I let Megan choose where we would eat. She picked der Weinerschnitzel. Ok. We’ve never ever taken her there before, but it was right there, so we walked over. The kids were happily eating their hotdogs, and the woman who was sitting directly behind me was saying something like: “Yeah, he said to keep her in her pajamas all day.” One of the guys with her said something I didn’t pay attention to, and then she said, “No, you can’t catch it! Adults can’t get it for some reason.” Ok, I don’t really want to know what they are talking about and whether or not I can get it from her kid that is sitting directly behind me, but I’m not taking chances. “Ok, kids, pack it up!” I said, and got them out of there as quickly as possible. Now I ask you, If your child is not supposed to go anywhere, not supposed to get out of their pajamas, wouldn’t it be more prudent to get your food through the DRIVE THROUGH then come in and sit right next to the only kids in the whole place? I’m just sayin.


  1. di

    yikes on the whole crazy afternoon!!!!!!!!! gotta love purel and clorox!!!!!!!!!

  2. Janice from Book Club


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