You don’t really think about how much you rely on and need your keys–that is, until you can’t find them. I spent yesterday using my “back up keys” because I couldn’t find my keys. Thankfully I HAVE back up keys. If you don’t have back up keys, may I recommend you get a set, with keys to all the cars you drive and your house. You should also pass out keys to select neighbors and friends, so that if you, say….Go to Disneyland and forget your 5 day passes, someone can get them and mail them (or send them with a neighbor who’s also going to Disneyland the same weekend) to you without having to break into your house. It’s just a thought.

Well, after asking the kids and asking Ryan, and asking myself where those keys were, Cole reminded me that Julene used them to drive the van on Sunday morning, when she was watching the kids. So–call Julene and ask where the keys are, and she told me–in the pink diaper bag! It would have taken me days to look there!

So, now I have my keys and my back up keys, and I feel safe and secure again.

And, in other news, thanks for all the comments on my hair. I just got a perm today, so it doesn’t look like that anymore–but I think it’s still cute!