The Trials of a Busy Mom

Home Movies

Monday night for FHE, after learning the 5th article of faith, we watched a “home movie” from my family. My sister, Amy has been tranferring the old videos to DVDs, and she gave me a few of them for my birthday. So we were watching a video of a family vacation to California in 1990. We stayed in a beach house at Newport Beach for a week. What a fun time we had! I was 21, just about to graduate from college and go on a mission. My brother and his wife came, and my two little sisters. They were 14 and 12 at the time. And for some reason they didn’t want to be on camera, and if they were, they never said anything. It’s so weird! I was doing some commentary, and would always wave at my dad when he had the camera. Sometimes I was the videographer, and I would give the play by play and joke around.

At the beach, we played in the water with our boogie boards (the kids laughed at that one) and made fabulous sculptures in the sand with our gardening shovels (my kids were laughing at that one, too. ‘Why are you digging with a garden tool, mom?’ I guess my parents figured we should have stuff to dig with, and not having little kids with sand toys at home, they figured that a trowel would work just as well) and made a castle and a very large and detailed dragon.

At Disneyland, the lines were short (AMAZING!), and the crowds not nearly what they are today. We filmed a few of the rides, even. Still, not a word from my sisters. Did they not talk, or what was the deal? I now HAVE two kids who will be 14 and 12 this very spring (gasp! I cannot possibly be that old!) and they never shut up. I just don’t get it.

As my kids were watching this little movie, they said, “You were fun, mom!” I WAS fun? WAS? I still AM fun, kiddos. My husband put it well when he said, “See how much fun Mom had at Disneyland when she didn’t have to worry about all you kids? Before all you kids SUCKED the life and fun out of her?”

Well, even though the kids have sucked all the energy out of me, they haven’t taken my fun. I STILL am fun.

Aren’t I?


  1. Lisa

    You are the MOST FUN person I know!!

  2. Robin

    Paige, you are definitely one of my funnest and coolest friends. I want to be like you when I grow up. P.S. I know funnest is not a word…but it is funner to say. 😛

  3. Amy

    You are still tons of fun, Paige! You’ve always been more fun than Chrissy and me put together. I agree–we were sure dumb back then, trying to avoid the camera. We were trying to pretend we didn’t exist, because we knew we’d look dumb if Dad recorded us. As it is, we just looked dumber by trying to not exist. Who can explain the teenage mind?

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