The Trials of a Busy Mom

It’s like bargain shopping without the shopping!

On Tuesday my good friend Tess and I were talking, and she asked if I was going to go to the Mervyn’s huge clearance sale, where if you buy ONE clearance item, you get TWO free. Oh, no! I couldn’t go because I had signed up to work at the book fair at the elementary school for the whole time that John would be at preschool, and then it was parent teacher conference, and then I had to take the girls to dance, and then I had rehearsal. So, I wouldn’t be able to get to Mervyn’s on Wednesday, and it was only a one day sale.

So, I told her to call me from Mervyn’s, and just buy some things for me, if she didn’t mind.

And shop she did! She called me from the store to ask me a few questions, and I told her to err on the side of “just buy it” and if I didn’t like it I could always return it.

We ended up with:
2 Sweaters for the girls
1 Dress for Natalie or Megan
1 Jacket for John
5 long sleeved shirts for John
3 shirts for Cole
and a partridge in a pear tree! Ok, no pear tree, but we got all that for……
Wow! I spent almost that much on just two dresses for the girls earlier this week!

So, Tess did my bargain shopping FOR me! So, it’s just like the bargain shopping, only without the shopping part!
Thanks, Tess!


  1. Amy

    My visiting teacher just did that for me at Costco. She’s so sweet. After I learned that Brian really likes Costco milk, I ask her when she’s going next and see if she can pick up a few gallons for us. Well, this time I asked if she could get me some cheese and eggs too. She threw in some uncooked tortillas–have you ever tried those?–and some red grapes. What a nice friend!

  2. Mom

    I saw that ad and thought it was probably all junk. But when I’ve been in there I don’t see any clothes I would want to wear. I guess that’s because I’m not a kid.

  3. Tammy and Parker

    Okay. I sooo totally need a friend like that. I get kinda bummed out being at home so much. 🙄

  4. Janice from Book Club

    Isn’t it great to have friends like that! Well done Tess!

  5. Tess

    Too sweet, Paige – I’m glad the clothes worked and they were REALLY NICE clothes (if you got there early enough). Today I am wearing my pretty $2 sweater that I picked up and Meagan is wearing her $3 pants and $2 hoodie – score!

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