The Trials of a Busy Mom

Stronger than a cheesecake

I did it! I actually made a cheesecake without any tasting or snitching going on, and then at the ward party, when they brought out cheesecake and chocolate cake, I didn’t take any. I also resisted the chocolates that were on the table. I find it’s easier to stick to my resolutions when in public than in the privacy of my own home, alone, don’t you?

While I understand that not eating cheesecake is really not an earth shattering accomplishment, and doesn’t really do anything to help save the world like some people are doing, for me it’s quite a major accomplishment. I’ve proven to myself that, if needed, I can be stronger than the cheesecake. Maybe I’ll have to list that on my resume as one of my superpowers–“stronger than a cheesecake, able to leap over small children in a single bound….”. Ahem. Maybe not. You are probably still hung up on the “resume” part, weren’t you. Thinking to yourself, “Resume? What the heck would she have a resume for? The PTA?” Any-way. Back to the subject, which was….Cheesecake.

Would you like a good cheesecake recipe? Because this one was pretty easy, gluten free except for the crust (but I have actually made a “graham cracker crust” using gluten-free arrowroot crackers before), and I hear it was delicious. It was lighter and less dense than the kind I’ve made in the past, and it really doesn’t have that much sugar. I was even thinking about just replacing the sugar with Splenda, but didn’t really want to experiment with a cheesecake that I was taking to a church function, and had specifically been given this recipe.


Pre-heat oven to 350

1 package graham crackers
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter

Put graham crackers in a gallon zip lock baggie. Roll till fine, with a rolling pin. Pour graham cracker crumbs into a bowl. Add sugar and soft butter. Mix with fork or pastry cutter till mixed well. Put into 9 or 10″ Spring Form pan. Press evenly in bottom. (Set aside)

Beat 4 egg whites till stiff. Set Aside.

In another bowl, mix:
3 – 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla.

Then fold in the egg whites. Mix well.

Pour over graham cracker crust. Spread evenly. Bake 350 for 30 minutes. Take out of the oven and let set for 5 minutes. While you are waiting the 5 minutes, mix:

2 cups sour cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix well. When 5 minutes is up, pour the cream cheese mixture over the cheese cake and spread evenly. Put back in the oven and bake another 5 minutes.

Remove from oven, and let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes. Leave cheesecake in pan. Then put foil or plastic wrap over the cheese cake, and put in fridge. It’s best to make this a day ahead. Let cool completely before removing from Spring Form pan.



  1. Amy

    Wow, I’m very impressed that you could bake a cheesecake without tasting it! Way to go!

  2. Mom

    I can’t believe you did it! What will power! Sometimes it helps to imagine yourself eating whatever it is, and then you don’t need to really eat it. If it were me, I wouldn’t put the sugar in the graham cracker crust. That would save some of the calories.

  3. Robin

    Way to go Paige…I knew you could do it! I am proud of you! 😆

  4. Jen

    Oh, I very much love Cheesecake. I’ll have to try out your recipe.

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