The Trials of a Busy Mom


My kids have been a little bit obsessed with a certain song, lately. It started when they found out I was going to be giving away their favorite muppet show video. I didn’t know it was their favorite muppet show video, and I doubt it would have even been their favorite had I not been giving it away. “Why do you have to give everything away, Mom?!” one little complainer whined. “I don’t give everything away,” I replied, “Do I give away your clothes? Your food? This house? I don’t think so.”

But we were watching that video before sending it away (they made sure I sat down and watched it with them, lest I miss out on something important), and we came to a sketch with the song “Sheep May Safely Graze“. When it started, I said, “Oh, we’re playing this song in bells!” And I was excited that I actually recognized it after only one week’s rehearsal on that song. Well, being the muppet show, they took a few creative licenses and the muppet version is quite different from Bach’s original piece, to say the least.

I hope it you laugh as much as we did. Then Cole, our Mr. Gadget Junior, recorded this version onto our whole house MP3 system, so this morning I awoke to the Rama Lama Ding Dong song. And now we can listen to it ALL THE TIME.


  1. Amy

    I don’t think you’ll be able to live this giveaway down. If I’d known you had the Muppet Show on tape, I’d have been pestering you to borrow it every other week. Now I’m going to have to find it on ebay!

  2. kristy

    “ALL THE TIME”…it’s a dream come true!!!

  3. Robin

    Ok…that was fun. I loved the Muppets! Will you be playing that at the concert the week of Women’s Conference?

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