The Trials of a Busy Mom

Travel is never quiet with four boys in the car

As I was taking John and his three little friends to their basketball class at the Rec Center, today, they were all full of things to say. At the risk of crashing the car, I did manage to write a few things down. And it seemed that everything just HAD to be said with an exclamation point or All caps.

“Guys! I saw that guy pick his nose! But he didn’t eat it.”
“Oh–Kohler’s! That’s my favorite store EVER.”
“My sister goes snowboarding.”
“One time we stayed up late and watched tv in my mom’s room.”
“We go to bed right after scriptures.”
“Look! There’s horses!”
“I saw them, too!”
“That car is coming closer. We’re going to crash!”
(I must interject that no, we were not going to crash.)
“Sheep! Sheep! Sheep!”
“See that car? It looks like Optimus Prime, but it’s a truck.”
“Optimus has blue and red.”
“My brother has a transformer and it turns into a GUN.”
“My Arizona Grandma is sonice! She gives me toys and candy.”
My Grandma is so nice, too. She always gives me candy.”
“I know.”
“Do you guys know where Kanosh is? Do you know where Kanosh is? My Grandma lives in Kanosh.”

Then, sadly, we arrived at our destination, and the conversation quickly turned to all things basketball.
Never a dull (or quiet) moment, that’s for sure.

1 Comment

  1. Tammy and Parker

    Wait! If you passed Kohlers, then you must live WAY close to me! I’d love to have you come and meet Parker (and…uh me) sometime!

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