The Trials of a Busy Mom

I feel fine. I think I’ll go for a walk. I feel happy!

First of all, thank you to all of you who gave advice on our teenager’s school issues. I really appreciate it.

This morning, we have had a few issues with my other son, who is four. He came into our room at his usual 7:00, and was complaining that his side hurt. I helped him into bed with me, and asked him where it hurt. His left side. He was breathing heavily, and kind of writhing around. I asked him if he had hurt it or bonked it or fallen down or anything. No. I asked Ryan (who was home with the kids last night) if he remembered if John had hurt himself. No. I’m trying to figure out if his stomach feels yucky, or if it’s just his side, but I’m not getting too much information from him. He keeps saying “it’s the twist”, and I wonder if perhaps he could have a sore muscle.

I got up to use the bathroom, and asked him if he wanted to go down for breakfast. “No,” he said softly. This is when I knew that something was WRONG. This is my kid who wants breakfast immediately, and sometimes eats two or three breakfasts in a morning. I took him down stairs, and offered him the nectar of the Gods… a Capri Sun. He refused, saying he wasn’t thirsty. I was starting to panic, now, because something must be terribly wrong. We called our neighbor, who is a doctor, but he had already left for work. I called our pediatrician, but they didn’t have anyone in the office yet. I did a quick google search for “pain left side” and got this here helpful chart which lists a bunch of possible reasons for pain on the left side–all of them requiring you to call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately. That was not comforting at all.

I decided I’d better quickly get dressed, so I could whisk him off to the doctor’s office as soon as they opened. So I threw some clothes on and made myself 1/2 way presentable and came back downstairs to check on him. “How are you feeling, bud?” I asked nervously, “do you want some breakfast?”
“I feel ok,” he said, ” can I have a yogurt after this show?”
What? You feel fine? He was sitting up, and after the show he got up and asked for his juice box and yogurt. So, I fed him his breakfast, and then he was running around like a normal kid.
“Does your side not hurt anymore?” I asked.
“No, it’s gone,” he said.
How is this possible? He’s excited about going to his sports class and is happily watching tv right now.

I’m very relived that he’s feeling better, but I am just wondering what in the world was causing the pain, and is it going to come back? I think it was all part of a well calculated plan to keep me from going to yoga today.


  1. kristy

    Man those 4 year olds and their calculated plans. How can we get them to stop that already? I hope whatever “it” was doesn’t come back!

  2. kimberly

    This TOTALLY happened to me with my son two weeks ago. Same thing, on the phone with the doc’s office while trying to put on a bra. Got an appt scheduled for 2 hours from then. After about another half hour, he was great and running around and all was fine again–I cancelled the appt but was worried for days that it would come back. I finally guessed it must have been gas or something because it was gone and never came back. I hope yours is the same case!

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