7:30–Get Natalie out the door to catch the early bus and go to Orchestra
7:45–Cole leaves for Jr High
8:45–Send Jenna to the bus stop, and load John and Megan into the car to go to the Orthodontist’s
9:00–Check Megan in at the Orthodontist’s office, then take John over to Payless Shoes to buy his Lightening McQueen Crocs,
Then to Costco to get gas
9:25–back to the Ortho to make another apt in 6 weeks and pick up Megan
9:38–drop off Megan at school
9:45–meet my visiting teaching partner to go visiting teaching
10:30–go home and get John a snack, and help him change into his “itty bitty sports class” shirt
10:45–load John up into his carpool to go to the sports class
10:50–get my lesson ready for activity days, unload the dishwasher, and clean off the counter
12:00–John comes home from sports class, and needs some lunch. He also insists on wearing something green, or people will pinch him, so we find a green shirt and help him change it
12:30–walk John over to a neighbor’s house for a play group
12:38–drive to the grocery store, where I stock up on canned goods at the ‘case lot sale’, then go to the copy shop and spend $4 on copies for today’s Activity day lesson and handout
1:20–come home and unload groceries
1:40–sit down and watch part of Ocean’s 11 that I’ve had on the tivo since before Christmas and still haven’t finished watching
2:00–walk over (oh, no! It’s raining again) to pick up John from the neighbor’s play group
2:20–turn on Thomas the Train and let John watch it while I close my eyes for just a minute
3:00–Cole comes home from school. Mom does some laundry.
3:45–the girls come home from school, demanding a snack
3:48–get kids a snack, pick up neighbor and go to activity days
4:00–hold an activity for 7 roudy girls, where we blow out and color eggs, and teach them a lesson on the miracles of Easter, giving them each a folder full of the lesson to do with their own families for FHE
5:30–go home, reheat leftovers and eat a quick dinner
6:00-take Megan to the Jr High for her tour and registration
7:30–come home
7:35–encourage kids to
a)do homework
b)practice the piano
c)use the potty
d)do their jobs
8:30–encourage kids to
e)get in their pajamas
f)brush their teeth
g)stop fighting
h)say prayers
i)go to bed!
9:00–Everyone is finally in their beds, prayers and stories done, “I love you”s and “Goodnight”s said, wheat bags heated up, dishwasher started and counter cleaned off again.
9:10–I blog about it
It sounds like you had this kind of a day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxT5NwQUtVM
Way to make it through. Good night!
Whew! Good mommy!
I’m exhausted just reading about it.
Goodness, that’s a long day. Aren’t you glad every day isn’t like this? Or is it? LOL
Yikes, your day was even more packed than mine, and I’m exhausted from mine! I just spent 15 minutes listing off all the stuff I did today to Mom on the phone.
How can you even remember all that? You deserve a rest today!
Cute shoes. Toothsome #3 would love those.
What a day! Those are the cutest shoes. I’ve not seen those before.
Good gracious, girl! I think you need a pair of those lightning Crocs to get through a day like that!