The Trials of a Busy Mom

Easter Memories

Before I tell you all the fun of Easter weekend, I’d just like to let you know that a friend of mine, Tammy, could really use some prayers and love and support today. Her little guy, Parker, is having a very invasive procedure today and they are hoping for some good news. If you could find it in your heart to add her to your prayers or leave a positive comment on her blog, that would be nice. They could use all the love and help they can get on days like today.

Saturday night we got home late and I was just not feeling good. It had been kind of a long day with a freezing cold soccer game, take the kids to the Thanksgiving point Easter egg hunt, then I went off to try to win a car—which I DIDN”T win, by the way. There’s way more to tell about that, but I’m giving the abreviated version right now, so that’s all you get. That time of the month combined with heartburn and stomache aches were working on me, and I was less than enthused to get everything ready for Easter. I sent the kids up to go to bed, and said, “Cole, after you get your pajamas on, come back down here, please,” I asked Cole. He complained that he was tired, but I asked him to please come back downstairs anyway. When he came back down, I handed him a big bowl of plastic eggs, and said, “You get to help out the Easter bunny this year.” And that was it. No fanfare, no explaining anything, just a “here, kid, get to work”. I filled baskets with the little trinkets and movies, while Cole filled Easter eggs. Once he was done, Ryan, Cole and I helped the Easter bunny hide them. Oh, and speaking of jelly beans, you’ve got to read this explanation of where the jelly beans come from!

Then on Sunday, as the kids were helping me decorate the easter bunny sugar cookies, our curious little bird flew on down to the counter and was trying to find out what we were doing. He kept trying to get closer and closer to the cookies, and I kept shooing him away. Eventually he climbed up onto my shoulder and was content to sit there for a while. Then suddenly, he flew off my shoulder, landing on a freshly frosted cookie! He walked through that one, leaving his little birdie footprints in the frosting, then walked all over the tray. When I made a big fuss about it, Ryan came to the rescue. He removed said birdie from the counter, washed his feet in the sink, and locked him in his cage. And don’t worry, we threw that cookie away. Although I wish I had taken a picture of it first, so I could post it here on the blog!

We had a fun family party at my parents’ house in the afternoon. Anytime you get 17 kids together at Grandma’s house, though, it’s pretty much chaos. But they had a nice little egg hunt, and a great dinner, and a fun time with family. My mom had to give her disclaimer that the yucky hard stuff in the eggs had been cotton candy, which seemed like a good idea at the time. But after a few days, it just turned into a nice colored rock looking thing. Ick.

The kids were very excited (as was I) to watch one of their new movies, Enchanted. I think it might be my new favorite movie of all time. Maybe. Have you seen it? Sing a little working song…. and then the mice and pigeons come and clean up the mess. I think I’ll try that and see if our birds will help out today. And I had a dream about Patrick Dempsey last night. Seriously. And it was a good dream.

On Monday, I removed all the Easter baskets, most of the Easter grass, and most of the Easter candy. Get rid of it! Today it will all be gone. Hidden away or thrown away somewhere. So, kids, if you want that Easter candy, you’d better get to it before I do, because I’m in a candy chucking mood! Enough with the candy, I say. And I am seriously not making sugar cookies until……Christmas. If ever.

How was your holiday?


  1. Lisa Adams

    You are the nicest mom I know – sugar cookies twice in one week?!!

  2. Melissa

    Our Easter was good, but chilly! I’m so glad the weather is finally starting to warm up!

  3. Amy

    I just called Ryan to tell him this, since you were out at bells, but did you know that the woman who plays the real-world girlfriend also played Elfaba on the original CD of “Wicked?” It’s true! Now you can put a name with the face.

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