The Trials of a Busy Mom

Letter from the deer

Dear Paige,
First of all, we just LOVE your yard. There’s so much space there, and it’s so nice and close to our field where we hang out. We can just jump the pitiful fence and come whenever we feel like it, and have a tasty snack.
We LOVE all the tulips you have planted for us. Am I correct in assuming that there are even more this year than last year? Oh, they are so tasty!

If you want our opinion, however, we would suggest you don’t plant any more of those crocuses. We find them bitter and they tend to stick to our teeth. I heard that the antelope might enjoy them, but we prefer a diet of strictly tulips, with a little bit of those bushes for dessert.

Oh, and my cousin Dorothy has asked me to let you know that we find the daffodils annoying, as well. Although the bulbs may look like the tender tulips, they don’t have the same taste, and we really just don’t enjoy them. We would suggest that you don’t plant any more of those for next year, because frankly, they get in the way of our snacks.

Thank you again for not getting a dog. We don’t enjoy them at all, what with all that annoying barking and all. We avoid places with dogs–those stinky, dirty creatures. We would much rather be the ONLY pets that poop on your grass.

Sometimes when we are eating, the lights come on. What a nice touch! Then we can really see what it is we are snacking on. Don’t worry about disturbing us, we don’t mind one bit.

So, keep up the great work, and we’ll keep on visiting. Remember: No dog, and plant more tulips.

Yours truly,


  1. Jen

    Ha ha ha! Oh I remember the days of having deer in the yard, and how mad my mom would get when her garden was eaten yet again…

  2. Mich

    Hmmm…they never write me….

  3. Lisa Adams

    Don’t you feel good – feeding the animals!

  4. Amy

    Oh, your poor tulips! You need some of those stinky things to put around them, like hair clippings or other things that smell human. I don’t know the miracle deer repellant, but if I hear about it, I’ll let you know.

  5. Mom

    Oh, that was one of your best. Soooooooooo cute! Sorry about your tulips, though. Is that what you meant when you said they were so short?

  6. Thea @ I'm a Drama Mama

    That was too funny! LOL!

  7. Richelle F

    Very clever. Your poor tulips.
    Have you ever heard the guy on the radio, wish I could remember what the show is called, but he does gardening tips. He has some kind of concoction involving human urine that is supposed to repel deer. I bet you could Google it.:smile:

  8. The Lazy Organizer

    What sweet friends you have! I’m scared to plant tulips at our new house because we are right in the mountains and I know they won’t last.

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