The Trials of a Busy Mom

I can’t believe she’s 12

Happy Birthday, Megan!

Megan has always been an independent spirit. When she was little, she would only smile at us. Whenever we went to family functions and her aunts would fawn over her, she would just scowl at them. My sister tells me that the reason she went into labor with her son was from watching Megan scowl at her on her blessing day. She laughed so hard at her little grumpy face she went into labor that night.

Oh, but good heavens she was cute.
cole and megan
I was so excited to have a little girl I could put in little girly dresses with bows in her hair. If I had only known. She ripped all bows out of her hair when she was little, and can’t stand frilly stuff now.

Why do they have to grow up? They were so dang cute, then!

I remember when Megan was about two, maybe three, and she was playing with our bird, Sundance. She had him up in her room, probably in a stroller or something fun, and she pulled out all his tail feathers. Oh, she’s an animal lover, that one.

She didn’t like bows, but she would wear hats. She still wears hats. Lots of hats.

Eventually she did learn to smile, and along with that she learned to tease. I can’t say she’s always the best older sister, but I do believe that deep down she loves her sisters (and her brothers).
You can tell by that smile right there that she’s got a mischievous side to her, can’t you?

Megan is a great girl, and not afraid of hard work. She is the one who will do extra jobs around the house to earn money, and usually if you ask her to help you do something, she will do it. She plays soccer like a maniac, and doesn’t mind the hours of practice. She LOVES sports and is very active. If only I could get her to have the same enthusiasm for playing the piano.

Megan’s a good student, and really enjoys school. Although when I mentioned that she’d have to take math in 7th grade next year, she said, “Again with the math?” Well, yes. Get used to it. There will always be math. It seems like just yesterday she was in Kindergarten, and now she’ll be moving out of elementary school and into junior high this year.
Here she is with her Kindergarten teacher, who she loved.

Wow. My little girl is growing up. She’ll be leaving the ranks of primary behind her and entering the young women’s program. I guess I can’t stop them from growing up. I’ll just have to be proud of them as they do it.

Happy Birthday, Megan-Moo. I love you.


  1. Summer

    Those baby pictures are very cute. I’m amazed at how blonde her hair still is.

  2. kristy

    I didn’t realize our girls’ birthdays were so close together! My daughter’s best friend shares Megan’s birthday too, so this is the 3rd post I’ve read about girls turning 12! It’s all the rage. Happy Birthday Megan!

  3. Amy

    Happy Birthday, Megan! We April babies have got to stick together 🙂 Hope you enjoy young women. I love love loved it!

  4. BP

    I hope she had a great day! Didn’t you mention she was having a party? Is that coming up?

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