The Trials of a Busy Mom

Because yes, we are that lazy

It’s been kind of sad and lonely at our house lately. You see, our fun little pet, Roomba, has been ailing for a while. He would start vacuuming a room, and then two minutes later he would stop and say he was done. Kind of like a child. So, I would have to kindly tell him that no, he was not done, yet, and he’d have to keep on cleaning until he actually picked up some of the crumbs on the floor. Not unlike my 4 year old, his work has been pretty sloppy lately. Oh, Roomba–don’t dis me like this! We’ve tried everything to perk little Roomba up. We did a thorough cleaning, sensor adjusting, battery charging, and everything we could possibly think of, but he still wasn’t pulling his weight around here.
green roomba

So we had to resort to vacuuming with the central vac. Now there’s nothing wrong with the central vac, I actually love it! It does a great job at getting ALL the crumbs off the floor and getting in all those nooks and crannies of each room. But you have to get out the whole long hose thing, and the vacuum thing, and hook them together and all that. I’m also a fan of having someone else do the work for me. I mean, with Roomba, you just set it down in a room and tell it to go to work. When I mentioned to my mom that my roomba wasn’t working right anymore, she seemed amazed and said, “You mean you use it all the time?” like it’s only a vacuum for special occasions or something. Hmm. Maybe that wasn’t the coolest gift to give her if she’s not going to actually use it. But, yes, we use it ALL THE TIME. Everyday. That is, when it’s working.

So, Ryan has been watching the Woot sales, and the other day he ordered me a new Roomba. Hooray! Happy, happy, Joy, joy! It came yesterday and we charged it overnight. new roomba Isn’t that sleek looking? So, this morning was time for the inaugural vacuum. I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. I had to actually look in the instruction manual to see how to do it (but I don’t feel too stupid, Ryan couldn’t figure it out without reading, either). So, off it went. Oh, the smoothness, oh the quietness! Really, it’s quieter than the old one. It picked up all the bird seeds and spilled popcorn and crumbs in my kitchen, and I think we’re going to be quite happy with it.

As it was making it’s way around the kitchen, Jenna said, “Maybe this new roomba will make the other roomba feel better, and then it will start working again, too.”
“That would be nice” I said. I know that Ryan’s been itching to take apart the old one and see if he can fix it, and now he can do that without feeling like he destroyed something that was still actually “working”, even if it was only working a little bit.
“I think this Roomba is a girl,” Jenna continued, “because it’s so pretty. And the other one is a boy, because it’s so handsome. And maybe they’ll get together and have little baby Roombas, and then we could each have one in our rooms.”
I like how you think, kid! Let’s get those two together and see what happens.

Speaking of lazy (it’s in the title of this post, you know), I’m training for a 5K again. How sad is it that I actually have to train for a 5K. Any normal person in decent shape should just be able to get up on any given day and walk or jog for 3 miles, right? Well, I’m not a normal person in decent shape, and I have to work up to that. My friend DaNae has started a little running group, and she’s even got a blog. I’ve guest posted, myself (like I have anything to say in a running forum! What a joke!). You can check it out at here. Anyway, I’ve been trying to follow an interval training schedule, where you walk for 90 seconds and then jog for a minute–lather, rinse, repeat. I’m doing two miles, but I don’t run 1/2 of it by any means–yet.

I’d like to someday be someone who ‘jogs’. Wouldn’t that be cool? To just go out for a ‘jog’? Or to even be able to say “I think I’ll go for a jog” without having everyone in the room laughing in hysterics at the mere suggestion that Paige would actually jog. If only I had Bob or Jillian here to kick my butt in gear. But anyway, we’re going to do a 5K in May, and then maybe another one in the summer if that one doesn’t kill me. I did survive that one in the fall, so maybe I won’t actually die from the experience–I hope.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go and hit the treadmill. Get my jogging in, you know. Because, like Bob, “I jog!” (10 blogger points if you get that reference)


  1. Janice

    You know I am afan of the ROOMBA!

  2. Amy

    What About Bob–“I Sail! Do you sail?”

  3. Sharm

    Anybody knows its “What About Bob” – my fav. line? “Give me, gimme, I need, I need.” How cool are you jogger girl?

  4. Christine

    I’m thinking I may have a Mother’s Day gift in the form of a Roomba that my hubby doesn’t know about, LOL!

    Good for you for the running. I will NEVER run. I just hate it and I have a bad knee. But even with two good knees, I still hate it. So I just admire runners from afar. Good luck!

  5. Megan

    Oh man. You are so cool. You are a runner. I want to be a runner, but I hate the way I feel like I look while I am running. You know, all out of control out of breath look and I just don’t get up early enough to do it. I think you rock!
    That Roomba needs to come and live at my house. I have to vacuum the kitchen all of the time because it’s carpet! Who puts carpet in the kitchen? Cute little old ladies with no kiddos to spill the entire contents of peanut butter on the floor, that’s who. Oh and maybe the spilling of the peanutbutter was actually me.

  6. Carolyn

    I’ve always wondered how those things work and if they really pick up everything. I think I need to see yours in action. Why vacuum when something else can do it for you. Right?

  7. kristy

    Hey, throw in a few laps for me, will ya? I have not exercised in almost a WHOLE MONTH!!! I’ve been too focused on trying to get our house ready to sell. You are inspiring me to get back to work! Running work, that is.

  8. Jen

    I want the roomba that mops the floor. I count vacuuming as exercise minutes, but mopping is so hard to get motivated to do…

  9. karla nathan

    I didn’t know if those actually worked or not. They must be worth having if you bought a second one. I am shopping for a vacuum now, maybe I will try one. Or should I wait till yours reproduce and get one from that litter?

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