The Trials of a Busy Mom

How long is spring break?

This week is spring break for my kids, and we’re trying to keep everybody happy and not fighting. I know, I should give up now, because with five kids that is simply not possible. But I’m trying.

Megan went camping with some friends, lucky girl, so she’s been gone since Saturday. She’ll come home tomorrow. While it’s kind of nice to have one less kid for a few days, we miss her, and hope she’s having a great time at Kodacrome Basin.

Monday I let the kids play with friends, play outside and enjoy the nice weather, and generally just play. For FHE we met some family at the BYU Museum of Art to see the “Dismantling Geneva Steel” Exibit. I have to say, it was amazing. The pictures are so interesting, and even beautiful. Really. You should check it out if you have a chance. Well, no trip to BYU is complete without ice cream, so we took the kids to the Creamery on 9th (used to be Carson’s Market, remember) and had WAY too much ice cream. Yum.

Today, after a wonderful yoga class, I told the kids that we could go to Boondocks if they would get their jobs done. Well, about 2 1/2 hours later they were finally ready to go. Even though the weather wasn’t great, I wanted to go today because it’s $12 Tuesday, and cheaper for mom. Plus, one less kid to pay for. I’d say it was worth it. For $40 bucks, we had a great time all afternoon. Cole played three games of laser tag, Natalie played two games. It was too cold to go out and play miniature golf, but Jenna and John had fun in Kiddie Cove and with their tokens. Since we brought some report cards, the kids each had 18 free tokens, and then I payed for some more (so I could play, too). When we were all out of tokens, we played several fun games of air hockey, and had a very fun time. Of course, looking out the window and seeing a blizzard is always exciting.

We ate dinner at Subway, picked up some root beer and milk from the grocery store, and now we’re home to play Wii. (And I’m going to read my book and watch The Biggest Loser finally–Go Kelly!) As we drove up to our house, I said, “Who’s garbage can is that in the middle of the road? Is that ours?” Sure enough, as we got into our driveway, we could see that there was no garbage can there. Ours must have had a wild ride on the wind all the way down our long driveway and out into the middle of the circle. Sorry about that, neighbors! At least it didn’t tip over and blow our recycleables all over the neighborhood.

And what’s in store for the rest of the week, you might ask? I have no idea. I used up all the fun in me today. I’d like to go to the tulip festival some time this week, if the weather improves. And I guess we’ll do a lot of playing with friends. Any suggestions?

1 Comment

  1. Mom

    I have friends who went to the tulip festival last week and there were no tulips. So put it off as long as you can, and maybe even call them before you go.

    Sounds like the kids are royally spoiled from all that fun. As you recall, your life was certainly not like that.

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