Ryan and I had a nice DATE (yes, we do have those occasionally) Friday night. We went to the Harvest Ball at Thanksgiving Point. We sat with two other couples we didn’t know, but isn’t it a small world? Two of them went to PG high..One lived around the corner from Susan in Pleasant Grove, and his wife took Creative Writing from Melinda. It was a nice dinner, and we even did a little dancing. I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a long time–if that tells you how good we are at ballroom dancing. There was a floor show done by Center Stage Dance Studio in Orem. These kids were AMAZING! 10-12 year old kids doing the Tango, Cha-Cha and Swing. They were really great! I can’t imagine how much they need to practice each week to get that good. We felt ultimately stupid dancing after them, but we stuck it out (and stayed away from the really good couples who were doing fancy stuff). It was a really fun evening out!
Who was the woman who was my student? I’m curious!
Her name was Stacy Scott. Do you remember her?