I just have to share the laughter and direct you to this post about bra shopping. You’re welcome.
The Trials of a Busy Mom
I just have to share the laughter and direct you to this post about bra shopping. You’re welcome.
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Thanks for the link! Glad you enjoyed it…
I read as much of her blog as I had time for. Such a sad state of affairs for so many women.
I have a really hard time myself. That’s why I wear mine until they nearly fall apart. And it seems like you can’t ever find one exactly the same as what you bought 10 years ago.
That was funny. Like Mom, I also avoid bra shopping like the plague. Consequently, I’m still wearing nursing bras and hand-me-downs. Last time I shopped, they measured me and called me a 38 E. What’s that??
Great link. Found you through your comment on DYM about pee on your microfiber couch. Have you tried Kids & Pets? $5 for a giant bottle at Target. We’ve kept it in the house since our first was born and I love it. I may throw out other cleaners in favor of Charlie’s Soap and Dr. Bronner’s, but I’m keeping this stuff. No affiliation, just thought maybe you hadn’t heard of it.