The Trials of a Busy Mom

Guess what I did yesterday

So, guess what I did yesterday.

Go ahead–Guess!

I bet you can’t guess. Go ahead…you in the back. ????
Nope. I didn’t sprain my ankle. Nope, I didn’t run off and get married (I’m already happily married, silly!)
Nope, I didn’t sell any of my children, although I wanted to.

Keep guessing.

Oh, I’ll just tell you already. I purchased cemetery plots. Really! Why, pray tell, did I purchase cemetery plots for myself and my dear hubby, you may ask? Well, basically because the price was going up. Yep. Until June 30th, you could get a plot in our little Highland cemetery for $500 each. On July 1st the price nearly doubles. Plus, I can just add it into my city bill and pay for it over the next two years.

I’ve been meaning to go in and take care of this little detail for the past couple of weeks, but of course I left it to the last day. I went in to the city office building, and asked, “Are you having a run of people here to buy cemetery plots?” I asked casually. “Are we ever!” they told me. But I guess I came at a good time because there was only one person ahead of me meeting with the coordinator, so I only had to wait about 10 minutes. I went in, and she showed me a map of the cemetery and said, “So, where do you want to be?” Always the wanna-be, I asked if they could look someone else up and see if I could be by them. My friend, Tess, is also here in Highland, and I knew she had already bought her spots. So, I picked two little spots out right by Tess and David, so we can chat when we’re all dead and buried! Won’t that be fun!? Well, not really, because we’ll all be dead and probably won’t have that much to say to each other. The lady praised me for being so quick to make up my mind. She told me that she’s had people agonizing over spots, calling to change their spots and all sorts of hassles. Well, I’m nothing if not quick to make up my mind (sometimes).

So, where will you be buried? Hmmm?


  1. Tess

    Am I wierd to say that this post makes me so happy??? I think it will be comforting for our children to see us next to friends. I can just imagine Claire and Jenna running into each other on some future memorial day with their little ones in tow and that image is really, really nice.

  2. Swistle

    This is absolutely fascinating to me. I love the idea of getting to CHOOSE! I would definitely be an Agonizer.

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