The Trials of a Busy Mom

Friday Randomness

Here’s some random stuff that’s been rattling around in my brain. Perfect for a Friday, right?

**The other night while driving to the freeway, I saw a car with some vinyl lettering that said “Bite Bella”. It took me a minute to register what that meant. I laughed. There was something on the other side of the car, but I couldn’t see it. But I’m wondering what it could be. Doesn’t that next book come out today? I’ll have to borrow it from a neighbor when they are done reading.

**It’s getting harder and harder to win at our local art shows. This week is our city celebration, so there’s a local art show. Tuesday we framed everything and got our 11 entries ready to take in. Last night was the awards night. We didn’t attend the whole awards thing, but just stopped by the city building afterwards to see if we had won anything. Natalie won a 3rd place ribbon in drawing, Cole won an honorable mention in ceramics and Megan won an honorable mention in ceramics. That was it. At the American Fork art show about a week ago, John was the only one of my kids to win anything, and he won a third place in drawing. Either my kids are getting less talented as they grow up, or there are more kids entering art shows these days.

**Kids’ meals are $1.99 at Wingers right now, instead of the usual $3.99 or $4.99. When you have a lot of kids like we do, this is a bargain. Last night we actually took 6 kids, as we are watching a friend of Megan’s while her parents are out of town. Sadly, Cole does not pass for 12 or under anymore, so he got a regular meal, but to be able to feed 5 kids for 10 bucks is GREAT. Maybe we’ll do that again and I just won’t order anything! That would be even cheaper!

**Cole is in the throws of marching band practice. This week he’s been over at the school every day from 8-4. The first day I SENT him with sunscreen instead of applying it myself. When I picked him up that day he was redder than red and burned all over. “WHY DIDN’T YOU PUT SUNSCREEN ON?” I asked him. “I didn’t have time,” he whined. “And your hat? You didn’t have time to put your hat on, either?” We were NOT pleased with his behavior, but I guess he got his own punishment with the old sunburn. The next day I did the sunscreening myself, and gave him a hat with a brim instead of a baseball cap.

Yesterday I went over the school to help out at lunchtime. We set up the food (pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, grape salad, watermellon, green salad, cake and lemonaid, garorade or water. There was no shortage of food, so at least I can know that they are feeding those kids well. I was on drink detail, and ended up sticky all over. My shoes were sticky, my hands were sticky, even my face was sticky (I’m not sure how that happened, but oh well).

They had a trip to Snow college planned for next week, but because they decided to cancel that and just do the band camp next week at the school. So next week he’ll be there every day from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. Not as much fun for the kids, but much cheaper and I’ll not worry quite so much. But of course that means that the parents get to prepare food for lunches and dinners. So far I’m signed up for Monday lunch, but I’m sure I’ll throw in another shift sometime later in the week.

**Tomorrow, for our city celebration, we’ve signed up for WAY TOO MUCH STUFF. Megan and I are doing the 5K run/walk. Somehow I’ve hurt my knee, so that should be fun. I will be in the walking group for sure. Ryan and Cole are signed up to sell pizza at the Marching band booth as a fundraiser activity. Unfortunately, the shift we signed up for is right during the parade. Where will Cole be during the parade? Marching. I signed up to provide a juicy treat like fruit or popsicles at the end of the parade. There’s also a breakfast, games in the park, concerts all day long, then fireworks at night. It’s a full day of fun.

**And did I mention that Ryan is going to China next week? Really. China. Wow! Unfortunately, he’ll only actually be in China for about 4 1/2 days, and those are going to be full of meetings. 18 hours of travel each way. I don’t envy him this trip.

**Monday we had our 4th annual neighborhood bike parade. It was, if I say so myself (since I’m the one who planned it) a great success.

1 Comment

  1. Christina

    I want that Bite Bella bumper sticker, if you see one, get it for me!!!

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