The Trials of a Busy Mom

And speaking of stink….

This morning my son grabbed a pair of socks from the floor of the family room.

Me–Those aren’t clean.

Son–Yes, they are. I got them from my clean laundry basket yesterday.

Me (beginning to shrink in fear from those socks) Yesterday? Was that before or after you marched around in the 100 degree heat for 10 hours at band camp?


Me–And you still think those are clean? (My voice just might have gotten a little bit louder and maybe creeped into the high and squeaky range about then. Just maybe.)

Son–Um…But I don’t have time to go and get a new pair.

Me–Yes. You do. There’s always time for clean socks.


  1. An Ordinary Mom

    Yuck … but it really is kind of funny!

  2. Christine

    Ewww. I’m glad my kids haven’t hit the “rank feet” stage yet. My 6 yr old will wear the same pair of socks for two or three days without taking them off.

    But yuck, gag, urp, and more. I’m the same way with smells. I cannot rest until I find the culprit and get rid of it. Potatoes are the worst . . . . *urp*

  3. Megan'sawesomefriendwhosnamestartswithL

    you should smell MY socks. yesterday at mutual, i forgot to take off my socks and the wetness of sprinklers and the dirt of my feet and the fresh cut grass all mixed together in a nice blend of STINK. yup. STINK. and grossness. 🙂

  4. megan's awesome friend

    you should smell MY socks. at mutual yesterday, i forgot to take off my socks in the sprinkers, and the wetness from the sprinkers, the dirt of my feet, and the fresh cut grass all mixed very well together into a cute mixture of STINK. yup. STINK people.

  5. Superpaige

    Um, is that Megan’s awesome friend who’s supposed to be cleaning her room so that she can play with Megan today? She ought to not be reading Megan’s’ mom’s blog and GO AND CLEAN HER ROOM, don’t ya think?

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