The Trials of a Busy Mom

I would have been fine to be the runner up

I’ve never been the president of anything. In high school I ran for Senior Class Vice president (I think it was VP), but I lost. To Mike Crosland. The Football player. Not that I’m bitter or anything, but I still think I would have done a way better job.

Moving on.

I was also secretary of the Drama Club. I know, right? I’m kind of a big deal.

In my adult life, I’ve had a few “presidency” callings. I’ve been in a YW presidency, a Primary Presidency, and even a Relief Society presidency, but I’ve always been a counselor, and the jobs didn’t turn out to be terribly hard.

Well, now I get the opportunity to be in a presidency again. Only this time, I’ll be the president. (eek) Say hello to the new RS pres of my ward (double eek).

I’ve known about this for a few weeks, actually, but it wasn’t official until yesterday. At first I didn’t think I could do this job because I already have a hefty calling with the Bells on Temple Square. But after talking with my director and the president of the choir (and a LOT of praying), we have come to the conclusion that it is possible to do both. I have to let a couple things go, and my counselors will have to take over when I can’t be to certain ward things because I have bell things. I guess the bishop knew I would need some convincing before I could feel calm, so I’ve had quite a bit of time to work this out. And I did feel calm, alternating with panic. Then I would shove that panic down, and feel calm again.

Yesterday, as I was sitting in church, working on my personal progress (SO close, people!), I read this scripture in John 14:26-27. “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

I need to recite that scripture every single morning, I guess.

Yesterday was kind of an exhausting day, anyway. I got to play in a bell quartet in my friend Linda’s ward in Spanish fork at 9:00. Left there and came right to our ward at 11:00. After church we were set apart and that was really a wonderful experience. It was almost 3:00 by the time we ate anything. Then I had a little nap. Woke up at 5:00, got ready, and then went to Provo where I played two bell numbers in a wonderful Easter fireside. I realized about halfway through that I was really hungry again. Thank goodness they had refreshments after the fireside. Long day. Great day, but long.

Well, anyway, I’ve been RS president for 24 whole hours and nothing terrible has happened, so I guess that’s good. We have a presidency meeting tomorrow and I honestly have no idea what we will talk about. Hmmmm. But, I spent about an hour looking through the RS president’s binder, spoke with the RS secretary for about an hour, and questioned the previous RS president for over an hour, so really I should have some clue. Not really.

But honestly, I am humbled and….well, humbled to have this calling. I will do my best.


  1. jen

    You will be awesome. Truly awesome.

    And I don’t know how you do everything you do! Someone said that to me once, but I can’t remember who . ..

  2. Superpaige

    Thanks, Jenny. And I still don’t think I do as much as you do.

  3. Robin

    Awww…You’re both “Overachievers” can we go home now? Anyway, Paige…I must agree with Overachiever…”You will be awesome”… with only one correction… YOU ARE AWESOME! (Well that was two… the ARE…and all caps. 🙂

  4. Pat Coleman

    They call people to that position who have been known to be overachievers–like you–who they know will be able to take care of things like they need to be done. I would hope that no one dies soon, though. When I asked you the other day how you were feeling about things and you said “OK”, I knew that didn’t cover it all. And that scripture will really help you, along with prayer (and good counselors). Love you.

  5. Polly Dunn

    You really will be wonderful!!! I am sending you positive energy!!! 🙂

  6. Katie Davidson

    You will be fabulous.

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