The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: October 2005 (Page 2 of 2)

Are you Hip?

At this moment I am wearing a pair of low rise, boot cut jeans from Old Navy. They go swoosh at the ankles when I walk. And I have to wear a super long shirt and even then I’m worried that the whole world will see my underwear. I don’t know if I can wear them all day–they are really bugging me. I mean, do I really want to wear what the teenagers wear, even though I’m 20 years older (eek!) and at least 50 pounds heavier? Maybe I should just go straight to the polyester elastic waist pants (with a printed fleece elastic waist hoodie from that store Mich found) and show how old and fat I really am. Um, no.

What do you wear that bugs you?

Fun Times

Cole gets to go with the 6th Grade to Clearcreek for an overnight trip. What that means for him is: fun times catching “pot guts”, staying up late telling ghost stories, getting really really dirty, no homework for two days, sleeping in cabins, eating in the mess hall, and having a Fabulous Time with his friends.

What it means for me is: helping him pack his stuff, making sure he’s got everything on the list, realizing that we don’t have “winter boots” for Cole yet, finding hat and gloves that fit, hoping that his coat from last year still fits and being relieved that it does, bringing his stuff to school because they don’t want all that on the regular school bus, picking up his band instruments so it won’t be left at the school for two days, one less child at dinner, and remembering to pick him up at 2:00 tomorrow.

I’m a little bit jealous, I must admit. How much would I have loved going to camp my last year in elememtary school! Of course we would have had some dramatics about how so and so doesn’t like so and so and she doesn’t want me in her tent and all that juvenile crap, but it would have been SO MUCH FUN! Of course when I was in 6th grade I was very aware of boys and which one were cute (John Steele) and which ones were obnoxious (all those guys in that stupid metal shop class–Why did I take metal shop? What a dumb plan that was–I almost failed! If I had it to do over again I would most definitely not take metal shop!) It’s hard to believe that Cole is that old. He doesn’t really notice girls much, except as friends, which I think is great!

In summary I hope he has a wonderful time and stays warm! And even though I know he will be fine I will of course worry about him until he gets home.


Housework Help

I don’t know how many times I’ve showed John that we take the clothes out of the dryer and put them in a basket–maybe 25? Every time I ask him if he can help me take the clothes and put them in the basket, he grabs some clothes out of another basket (already sorted by owner) and puts them INTO the dryer. Ok, so you want to put things IN. Here are some wet clothes from the washer, can you help me put those in the dryer? Those, he puts in a basket. SO HELPFUL!

Happy Birthday, Ryan

Happy Birthday Ryan!! You’ve come a long way from that skinny kid you used to be. This is a picture of Ryan on his mission in Brazil, back in 1988 or 1989 (sometime back then).

And here he is back in the BYU days, about the time when I first met him.
And here he is with his attempt at a moustache. Funny looking, but I still love him!
He’s a great husband, a wonderful father, and one of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet. I love him with all my heart!


Positive Reinforcement

Sometimes it’s good to get some positive comments, especially when it comes to being a parent.

So, when I went to Parent/Teacher Conference last night, I wasn’t expecting all that much, just dreading finding out the latest things my kids have neglected to turn in, or what the next big project due next week is. I was delighted to hear praise and good things from all the kids’ teachers. Apparantly they save all their sassyness and negative attitudes for mom and her need to hear them practice the piano daily. So, I don’t mean to brag, but…I must (so if you don’t want to hear me bragging about my kids, just stop reading right now. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.)

–Cole scored 100% on the Math section of the state curriculum testing done last spring. His other subjects were also quite high, all level 4, which is the highest profficiancy rating.

–Megan is everyone’s favorite student, and “a joy” to have in class. She’s also quite gifted in art (the art comment didn’t suprise me, but I must say I’m a little suprised that her teachers love her so much). She also tells her teachers everything I do, apparantly, and her Social Studies teacher said to me, “Oh, I hear all about you–playing bells with the tabernacle choir, doing an amazing shopping race–you must be lots of fun!” That was nice to hear that Megan speaks well of me, especially since we had had a little run in just that morning that ended with Mom reminding her that we are her family and I expect her to “be nice!”

–Natalie’s teacher said she has NEVER had a child who reads so well in the first grade, and that she reads on a 7.5 grade level. That comment really blew me away. I mean I know she reads well, but seventh grade? Wow.

So, like I was saying, it’s good every once in a while to have some outside feedback on how your kids are doing. I came home with a renewed appreciation for my smart, well behaved kids, and I will try to remember that next time they leave their dishes on the counter and their shoes and backpacks in the middle of the floor.



Perhaps this is why I blog. Well, that didn’t work out so well. The last frame says “but I can’t think of anything interesting to say.” It’s not funny when you have to explain it. Oh well, I tried

Items of business

1–Natalie’s party was a huge success. Except for having to put my own kids on time out on the way home for generally being obnoxious and loud in the car, everyone had a great time.

2–John had a rough night with fevers and chills all night. He slept with me, and wanted to hold my hair the whole night, so we didn’t get much sleep. When I took him to the doctor in the morning, there was nothing wrong. No fever, no ear infection, no nothing. Hmmm.

3–Play group yesterday. 5 four year olds here for a couple of hours. We survived, even on very little sleep.

4–Bells rehearsal last night was very fun. We’re doing some fantastic Christmas songs and it really gets me into the Christmas spirit (yes, I know it’s a bit early, but I don’t mind. Maybe I’ll start with the shopping!)

5–And I must just say that the Beatles had it right. “All you need is love.”

Happy Birthday, Natalie!

Happy Birthday, Natalie! I can hardly believe she is now 7 years old! She’s a fun, energetic, smart girl, and we love having her in our family. We’re having a birthday party today–taking 9 kids out to Hollywood Connection. We wish her a wonderful day!

baby Halloween


On a horse at Thanksgiving Point

Shall we Dance?

Ryan and I had a nice DATE (yes, we do have those occasionally) Friday night. We went to the Harvest Ball at Thanksgiving Point. We sat with two other couples we didn’t know, but isn’t it a small world? Two of them went to PG high..One lived around the corner from Susan in Pleasant Grove, and his wife took Creative Writing from Melinda. It was a nice dinner, and we even did a little dancing. I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in a long time–if that tells you how good we are at ballroom dancing. There was a floor show done by Center Stage Dance Studio in Orem. These kids were AMAZING! 10-12 year old kids doing the Tango, Cha-Cha and Swing. They were really great! I can’t imagine how much they need to practice each week to get that good. We felt ultimately stupid dancing after them, but we stuck it out (and stayed away from the really good couples who were doing fancy stuff). It was a really fun evening out!

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