The Trials of a Busy Mom

I LOVE them

You know when you get something that you just LOVE and you want to share it with everyone? Well, little while ago I ordered a shirt and pants from Coldwater Creek. They came today and I’m in love. Seriously. Let’s start with the shirt.


I looked at this shirt a while back and thought, “Wow, that’s such a nice looking shirt for $16.99!” But I didn’t order it right away, I had to wait until I had a coupon for 25% off. Unfortunately, I don’t have that coupon code for you because it expired, but honestly, I would buy that shirt at $16.99, even without the discount. It’s already on clearance, and it’s such a fabulous shirt. You’ll soon see me wearing this shirt with skirts, with pants, and with everything. You’ll get tired of seeing me in that shirt. I’ll wear it out with love. Oh, no! Maybe I should hurry and order another one! Well, if you’d like to see if they have it in your size, you can click here and check it out. Darn, it looks like unless you are really small or a big girl like me, you might be out of luck. All the better for me, since my average sized friends won’t be seen in the same shirt as I am. Ha ha ha ha! (evil laugh)

Ok, and now on to the pants.

These pants are also in the clearance section, and when they arrived, I put them on immediately. And I smiled in my happiness. They are comfortable, they fit right, and they make me look good. And if they can make my ample behind look good, you KNOW they’ll look good on you normal people. Now, I know it’s almost the end of the capri wearing season, but I might just stretch these into fall. Or I’ll wear them a few times and then savor them for fall. So CUTE!!! And they are on clearance for $10.99! Under 11 bucks, people. Find them here, if you are interested. And there are more sizes on this one, plus they are available in white or black in addition to the brown that I just picked up. I think I’ll be buying the black! And on their website, it says $20 off all pants and jeans. I don’t think they would give you $20 off a pair of $11 pants, but I might just check that out.

So, I will go off to my daughter’s soccer game in my snappy new brown pants, and I will have a smile on my face and in my heart, knowing that I feel good in these pants (I’m not wearing the shirt right now, but I probably will be tomorrow!), and knowing that I only paid $8.24 for them (’cause they were 20% off, too!). How cool is that!?

So, go forth and shop. Find your bargains. You can thank me later.


  1. Melinda

    Wow! That is some good copy-writing — are you paid by the Coldwater Creek folks?!

    I do love their bargain section. I’ll have to hop over there.

  2. Frugal Carol

    I love Coldwater Creek!! I always like having a few quality peices in my closet instead of a bunch of crap! You got a greatt outfit for the fall!

  3. Ryan

    This is not the sort of post I normally comment on, but Paige is right. Those pants and that shirt look nice.

  4. Amber

    All right, I stand corrected. I always whine and complain whenever my mom drags me into that store but those clothes? DARLING!

  5. Superpaige

    Wow, thanks. Like I said, I’m going to have to buy the black pants.

  6. Christine

    OOoh, purdy! Is that the shirt you were wearing last night at BoTS? It’s awesome. In fact, I may have to head over to their site now . . .

    THanks for sharing!

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