The Trials of a Busy Mom

You know what stresses me out?

You want to know what stresses me out?

Trying to arrange all my errands and shopping and stuff into one trip to save money and gas. Really.

On preschool days, I have two hours and 10 minutes of no kid time from the time John starts preschool and the time that my Elementary age girls get home from school. On Mondays it’s even less, because of early out day. So today was basically my only day with any non kid time, so I had to scrunch all of my errands into one trip.

Here’s what I did:
–stopped at a house in American Fork to pick up two white sheets from someone on freecycle (don’t laugh, it’s for ghosts, and after all, they were free!)
–stopped at the library to return about a million books
–went to DI to take 3 bags of clothes, a box of shoes, and a file cabinet. The back of my van was completely full of stuff for DI!
–stopped at another house in American Fork to pick up two problematic Roombas (don’t laugh, they might be able to be salvaged and used, and if anyone can fix them, Ryan can! And if he can’t, we might be able to use the battery for OUR Roomba. Again, let me remind you that they were FREE!)
–filled up the van at Costco
–Went to Walgreens to take advantage of this week’s sales and coupons.

So, before I left, I had to organize my coupons to take advantage of sales and add the coupons to that, thus saving more money, I had to mapquest both addresses in American Fork, find all the DI stuff, and find all the library books (well, all the ones that aren’t hidden somewhere in the kids’ rooms, that is). It’s exhausting!

But I did it, and made it back home BEFORE my girls came home. Ha!

So, my question for you is…
How do you manage your errands to save time/gas/money?
And What stresses you out?


  1. Ryan

    “two problematic Roombas”

    Hmmmm, my sweetie knows me well!


  2. Amy

    Hmm, sounds like me.

    Those errands wouldn’t be the biggest stressor of my life if I could do it without kids. What I really hate is when I have to do them WITH kids!

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