The Trials of a Busy Mom


Note to self: Seven gallons of milk DO NOT fit on the top shelf of the fridge. Even if they are on sale for 99 cents a gallon as part of the Smith’s grand opening week sale. They just don’t fit.

Note to Ryan: We probably need to move the fridge out from it’s cubbyhole tonight and clean underneath it. Unless we enjoy that rancid horrible curdled milk smell.


  1. Ryan

    I’m guessing this experience won’t make you jocund.




  2. Christina

    Wow, that’s a lot of milk. I bought a half gallon today, should last all week.

  3. Sharmyn

    Freeze your milk! It really works. Just open it up and pour out about a cup and then put it back in the freezer. Milk is SO expensive out here that when it goes on sale I stock up.

  4. mannequin

    Oh good heavens. What a horrible thing to happen. Like the previous commenter, I have frozen milk with success also. I actually like it better that way; milk with ice crystals *.

    ~~on another note, I’m coming from Fractured Toy; remember that you won the FlipClips? I can find no email here but need to speak with you. Would you be so kind as to email me

    I would appreciate it!

  5. Mom

    I guess that means you will have to go home early after dinner. Don’t forget to come here tonight. I have everything made. Sorry about the “milk squeeze.” How come you didn’t know the fridge wouldn’t hold all that?

  6. Robin

    Oh…you know…I HATE IT when that happens. Yeah…I am with Sharmyn on the freezing thing.

    P.S. Nice word Ryan…”jocund”. I had to Google it.

  7. Megan

    Daaaaaaaannnnnggg! An un-initiated cleaning of under the fridge. Aren’t you supposed to just do that when you are nesting??

  8. Amy

    Oh no, and with the baby shower coming up! I hope you guys were able to clean it without too much trouble.

    I guess I should blog how Brian tried fixing his electric razor on Thursday night, and dropped the screws down the sink, and had to clean out the grease trap to get them. Now THAT was a disgusting mess to clean!

    I’m surprised nobody’s said it, but don’t cry, it’s just spilled milk.

  9. Melissa

    I gasped audibly when I saw that picture! You poor thing!

  10. Emily

    Oh my GOSH, that is HORRIBLE!!

    But I do have good news – you won our giveaway for the One Step Ahead stacking toy! Email your address to me at emily at and I’ll send it your way!

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