The Trials of a Busy Mom

Go, go, Gadget Vacuum

How great would it be to have a magic backpack like Dora, where anything you needed was already in there? Your child poops his pants? Well, in the backpack is a diaper, wipes, and clean clothes! You get a spot on your clean blouse right before a date? Well, in the backpack is another blouse (and pants to match.) You get a flat tire? Don’t worry–there’s one in the backpack.

Diego has one, too, but it has cool “emergency” things like rafts and ziplines. His would be useful to anyone on the Amazing race! Although it wouldn’t have been too helpful with Lori trying to put together that greek statue, unless it told her, “by the way, those two are just extra pieces in thrown in to try to stump you, miss smartypants.”

Or better yet, we could be like Inspector Gadget, and have all the necessary parts built in! Go, go, gadget Vacuum! Go, go, gadget dishwasher! Go, go gadget laundry sorter! (I guess those would just be his hands, but they would go really fast!) Go, go gadget can opener….Microwave….printer….treadmill!

Maybe I’ve been watching too much tv with my kids. Do you think?

Speaking of watching tv, I watched the greatest show on PBS last night, The teachings of Jon. It’s about a severely retarded boy named Jon, and how he lives with his family. He loves to fold paper, play with his furbys, and swim. He doesn’t talk, but communicates. The theme of the show is, “Jon has an important purpose here, not necessarily to learn, but to teach.” It was a wonderful and touching show about how he loves unconditionally, and therefore allows others to love more because they have known him. Check it out. I’m sure it will be broadcast again, sometime. It made me so thankful for the people in my life, and reminded me that I need to be more accepting and loving to them.


  1. Administrator

    The Teachings of Jon will be on again locally on Sun Apr 16, 2006, 04:00 PM, on KUED (Ch. 7).

  2. Mel

    I watched last night, too. I spent the whole hour either smiling to tear-ing up.

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