The Trials of a Busy Mom

Enough about Vacuums–get a life

I’m doing some cleaning today (shock, I know!), and I’m having trouble with the central vac. It seems some little round thing ALMOST the same size as the hose has gotten stuck in there, and it blocks the hose and then there is no suction. Well, there’s not No suction, but the suction is severely compromised. So, last night I asked Ryan if he could fix it, because–really, what can’t he fix? So, he turned the hose around, stuck the nozzel into the wall part, and sucked it right out. But today, as I go to vacuum my floors, again there is no suction. The little round thing (which I can see, but can’t get at) is back stuck at the end of the hose. He sucked it through the hose, but it didn’t get out of the hose.

I’ve tried tweezers (not long enough), tongs (too wide, can’t fit them into the hose), two knives held together like chopsticks (I can grab it, but can’t get it past the ring on the end), and scissors (I thought I could just cut it into two pieces and it would come out). Nothings working. So, I can’t vacuum–ugh, and I’ve wasted at least 20 minutes trying to figure out this stupid problem by myself.

In other news, I went out and did some weeding yesterday–about an hour, I’d say, and burned my chest. Only in the shape of my v-neck t-shirt, but it was SO RED and itchy. It always does that on that spot. Could I have a localized allergy to sun? I don’t even look at all sun kissed anywhere else on my body, and my chest will look absolutely red. Whatever. I just need to remember to sunscreen my chest. Wierd.

And here’s John playing a song for Sundance.



  1. Ryan

    In my own defence, *something* got sucked all the way out of the hose, just not the main obstruction.

  2. Mel

    Love the flamingoes. Too clever.

  3. Administrator

    The Flamingoes are actually just a stand-in until Paige decides on something else. She asked for a background image, and didn’t tell me what to make it, so I threw in the flamingoes, since they’re colorful.

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