The Trials of a Busy Mom

Easter Weekend

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend! We had a nice one, here in Highland.
–Friday night the kids colored easter eggs. When you have 5 kids, you tend to color a lot of eggs. We did about 4 dozen this year. John goes for quantity, and went through about 10 himself in the same amount of time it took the more particular girls to do 6 or 7. But we made a big mess and everyone had fun.



–On Saturday, I went out garage sale shopping for the first time this year, and went with Michelle’s entire family! Thanks for letting me tag along, I had a fun time! As soon as I got home I took Natalie to her freezing cold soccer game, and then came home and got the house cleaned up for a family party. We had a fun time with my sisters and their families, and our stand itn grandparents, Sandra and Walt. We had a fun easter egg hunt, and cooked up some burgers. It wasn’t nice enough weather to eat outside (darn), but we found a place for everyone inside (I love my large table and bench!) and had a fun time. It was quite loud with all those kids (16) and adults (8), but we love to get together with family.


–On Sunday we had a lovely Stake Conference in the Alpine Tabernacle, and I’m happy to report that none of our belongings were dropped from the balcony onto the heads of unsuspecting people this time. Although I didn’t buy the kids new clothes (they don’t care) and didn’t spend hours and hours making cute new dresses (they really don’t care), I think they looked pretty cute. We topped off the weekend with a visit to Ryan’s parents and the kids enjoyed playing with grandma and granpa and cousins there, too. We should be exhausted from all the festivities, but spring break is just beginning! Wait and see what we do this week!

1 Comment

  1. Susannah

    Max dyed eggs with diaper only too! He was less interested in quantity and more interested in how high up he could drop the egg into the dye.

    You have boundless energy! How do you do it?

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